I wuv you!!

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~~5 year old Alex and John~~

"Awex! Awex! Awex!" toddler John shouted from the wooden horse in the play room. A boy with long brown hair turned to John with a big grin on his face. "John! I wuv you!" John laughed jumping down and running to Alex. They both grabbed each other and hugged one another until they couldn't breath. The teachers watched in awe as the two laughed and played with each other.

Soon it was lunch time and the two boys sat next to each other as they ate. Alex would watch John lovingly before eating and John would copy. Everything was perfect until a certain French, curly haired, purple coat wearer was shouting at them. "My mommy said you are weird! She awso said that you are going to hew!" the room went quiet as the toddlers watched in amazement at the three staring at each other. Alex went up to Thomas and said to him "Wew at weast my mommy isn't a bad pewrson!" the room gasped at the insult and Thomas started to hit Alex but John had gotten a teacher before anyone got hurt.

"Thomas Jefferson we do not hit people here. Say sorry now and go sit in the corner!" Thomas looked between the Teacher and Alex before muttering "Fine, I'm sowwy" before walking to the corner and sulking. John ran up to Alex hugging him and kissing his cheek. "I wuv you!" Alex laughed into Johns neck before whispering back "I wuv you too"

~~ 10 years later~~

"Alex let me go!" John said inbetween laughing. He was currently underneath his boyfriend who was tickling him. "Not until I get what I want" he said smiling at his bestfriend and boyfriend. "Never" John said as Alex stared to tickle him even more.

Five minutes later John couldn't take it. He gave in kissing Alex. "Where do you want to go?" John sighed. Alex stopped tickling John and kissed him again this time harder than before. "I love you. We are going to the cinema" John smiled at this comment blushing as well as he couldn't take compliments well. "I love you too my dashing prince" John laughed as he started to get up only to hear a knock at the bedroom door.

Alex opened it to see Mullette holding hands and talking to each other. "Hey Herc, Laf, how are you?" Alex asked as he let the two in and sat beside John on the bed. "We are fine Alex and you?" John answered for them. "We are perfect Laf. So what brings you here? Me and Alex were heading to the cinema of you want to come. It could be a double date?" he asked to everyone in the room. Alex nodded and looked to the couple in front of him for an answer. They nodded at each other and then to John and Alex. "Perfect let's go!"

They ended up watching a new film called 'Guardians of the Galaxy' which they all agreed was good and went to McDonald's after it. When they were walking home John pointed out all the constellations they could see.(Not that many as they were in the City) Alex listened to him nevertheless. Herc and Laf were being couply as well holding hands and kissing each other every so often.

They all silently agreed this has been the best night so far. When they got home Alex and John went straight to bed after getting Mullette blankets and pillows for the pull out bed. They didn't want to be a nuisance, but Alex convinced them that his foster dad (Washington) wouldn't care at all. John had been staying for a few weeks since his parents are out on a business meeting in Tokyo.

In bed John was lying next to Alex with his head on his chest. As Alex fell into sleep John listened to his heart beat soften. It took 10 minutes of this and John arguing with himself to go to sleep.

~~10 years later~~

Alex woke up to John lying on his chest just as he started when they were 15. He watched Johns mouth curl into a smile as he dreamed of something nice. Alex then heard a sound telling him the other couple was up. He looked to Laffayette and Hercules and signaled a 'shh' motion using his hands. They both nodded and started to talk to each other quietly. Alex then went back to watching John who was now starting to stur. He opened his eyes and smiled to Alex who was above him. "Love you 'Lexy" Alex blushed at the nickname and replied to his boyfriend. "Love you more Amore" They continued there sweet couply ritual until the other couple laughed slightly at their friends antics. After a while Herc got up to make some Pancakes for everyone.

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