'All was well'

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A/N. Hey my gayfam so I decided to read the Harry Potter series again and the last line 'Always' makes me cry so let me do a Harry Potter related chapter.


John's POV

'all was well'

I 'silently' bawl my eyes out at the last book of the Harry Potter series. It is not like I needed my soul anyway, right?

As I was crying I didn't hear my door open or realise I was being hugged until I heard a small voice saying.

"Avez-vous besoin de la crème glacée?"

Classic Laf always the motherly one. They always know what to say and the right food or drink for any circumstance

I nod my head and feel Laf get up to get ice-cream out the freezer. I try and move but stop when I hear more voices from the kitchen. I try to listen but Laf comes through with a tub of ice-cream and sweets. They sit next to me rubbing my back. They saw the book I was holding and sighed taking it from me and asking why I read it again if I knew I was going to cry.

I manage to get a few words in between my sobs.

"It...*Sob* is...*Sob* so...*Hiccup* Good"

I feel them chuckling a bit before saying "You sound exactly like Alex"

I was about to answer before Herc came in carrying a glass of wine.

I'm like a girl on her period getting all emotional and hungry for ice-cream"(No disrespect to us girls but I get very emotional and hungry for sweet stuff and the wine is good)

I start laughing at my thought making Laf and Herc stare at me like I was an alien.

After I stop laughing I tell them and soon after we were all on the floor laughing. We laughed so much the others came and checked on us. When they walked in they all didn't know what happened but saw me, Laf and Herc all laughing our heads off rolling around on the floor.

Alex looked at is before sighing and walking out, Aaron, Eliza, Maria, Thomas and Angelica followed after leaving Peggy,Theodosia and James.

Us three on the ground stop laughing and see the three at the door staring at us. I go to get up before hearing a moan behind me I turn round to see Laf sitting on Herc's knee with their hand in Herc's hair. Peggy goes to clears her throat and I look at her shaking my head pointing to the door. The others had left when them two started making out but Peggy stayed behind.

I stand up and head to the door linking arms with Peggy and we made our way downstairs. When we get downstairs I see Alex by Eliza's side whispering something making her giggle.

For some reason my heart started feeling heavy I ignore it thinking it was the alcohol kicking in. Peggy unlinked our arms and headed over to Maria and kissed her nose. I looked over at Alex expecting him to be making out with Eliza but he was actually making his way to 'his room' (It's a spare room he sleeps in) he looked kind of sad so I follow him and knock in the door. I hear a sniffle like someone was crying so I go in and see Alex with his head in his pillow sounding like he was screaming and crying. Not knowing what was wrong I go and comfort him. I hug him asking what was wrong but he seemed to cry harder at the sound of me. I felt hurt knowing my bestfriend didn't want me there so I told him to text if he needed me.

As I entered the living room again Angie, Eliza and Peggy were in a corner whispering about something while the rest were devising a plan to get Laf and Herc to stop doing what they are doing upstairs, if you get what I mean ;). I walk over to Eliza and see her looking at me. I look at the door hoping she understood and she did. I saw her stand up and walk to me, she looked happy and excited. I would question her later but I need to know about Alex.

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