...But I might be Gay?

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John woke up at 7am with a hangover and it wasn't helping that an alarm was going off. He went to move but couldn't as he had a splitting headache and because a small body was holding him down. "Fuck what did I do" he whispered but that was enough to wake the small boy up. The alarm turned its self off and the Boy began to move. After some time the boy showed his face and well John was fucked it was Alexander his roommate. Quickly John looked at they're bodies and realised thankfully they were both clothed. "Alexander what happened last night?" John asked.

"Well Jefferson brought you home after you were stopping on his table and you pulled him down to bed and refused to let go. Then you grabbed me and let Jefferson go. So I just fell asleep after I tried to get out."

John turned red but then his headache came back. Alexander got up and went to the kitchenette and made a glass of water and gabbed some tablets. Passing them to John he took them and slowly felt better.

"Is that all that happened?" John asked after a couple minutes. "Yep" Alexander responded.

~~ A couple months later for story progress~~

Winter break finally.

It had been a couple months since the party and since then John has had around 30 guys over at night. It was beginning to annoy Alexander but he refused to let this show until one night be snapped.

"John why do you keep bringing guys over? I don't mind you being gay but do it somewhere else cause it is really annoying!" Alexander finally said it.

John just stared at him and nodded. "Okay Alexander I understand you don't like the way I am I'm sorry" and he began to walk out. "Wait. It isn't that all it is. Is that every time I see you with a guy it hurts and well I guess I'm saying I don't even know" Alexander trailed off because he really didn't have a point to that. Cause every time John was with someone it hurt Alexander inside and he didn't know why. He didn't like him did he? No he could've?

"Alexander are you saying you like me?" John asked after a while. "Um... I don't know it's confusing okay!" Alexander said almost crying but keeping it in so far.

"Alex why did you never say anything?"

"Because I'm not gay. I can't be I like girls and always have."

John was silent for a second before saying"You know what Bisexual is do t you? It means you like boys and girls. You could like one more than the other it is up to you it I'm always here to talk to"

Alexander knew what that was as Mulligan recently came out as that. He knew what he felt was different as he was never this worked up about anything.

"Can I try something. And if it is bad tell me." Alex said before leaning in towards John. He grabbed his jacket and pulled him close before kissing him. He had never felt this before but he liked it. It felt like fireworks going off and Lady Gaga singing in the background.

Once they stopped John just said "Wow" and Alex just nodded in agreement. John pulled Alex in for another kiss and slowly they made their way to the bed.

Before it got to heated (PG family friendly) someone knocked at the door. Getting up reluctantly John answer it and it was Angelica. And Eliza. Alex looked at Eliza awkwardly then to John then to Angelica.

They walked in and sat on Johns bed. "Hey. How you been. John this is my sister Eliza. Eliza, John." They shook hands and Alexander looked to Angelica and then to the door. Getting the message Angelica and him stood up and said "be a minute". They walked to the door and walked back through it.

"Um Angie you know how Johns Gay."


"Ummm... And you know how me and Eliza are almost a thing?...."

"Alexander Hamilton what are you saying?"

"Ummm IMayHaveKissedJohnAndLikedItButIAmNotGay" he said far to fast for anyone normal to understand but Angelica understood it all.

"And you're telling me why?"

"Cause I don't know how to tell Eliza!"

"Just tell her I promise she won't care"

"Oi she might care. We've been kind of together for a while now"

"Yeah but just go and say"

Exact same time but in the room

"So John how did you come out to Alexander?"

"Told him flat out he didn't care. Why you asking?"

"For a friend.. I need help John. Me and Alex have been kind of dating for a while and well IMayHaveKissedAGirlndLikedItAndIWantToBreakUpWithHim"

Again no normal person would understand but John was not normal.

"So you like a girl and want to break up with Alex officially?"

"Yeah but I don't know how to"

"Just say the same thing but slowly he will understand"

"Are you sure I don't want him really pissed at me he is a great friend"

"He won't trust me"


Alexander and Angelica open the door and head in. Alexander an Eliza were breathing deeper and avoiding eye contact with each other.

"Eliza I-"

"Alex I'm gay"

"Wait what!?!"

"I'm gay and I came here to clear everything up and officially say we are t together"

"I had this whole thing planned where I say how I like John and we need to break up but you get there first Omg hahaha" Alexander starts laughing not a quick chuckle but a full body stop everything kind of laugh. Eliza joins in and Angelica and John question the two people.

Once they stop they talk it out and get to know each other better. Angie comes out as Ace to Eliza and they cry and then they phone Peggy and tell her and then Peggy comes over. The five people then cry and eat ice cream and complain about college in general. At the end Peggy comes out as GenderQueer and then everyone hugs an starts to leave.

Leaving Alex and John. Until John finally says

"That was eventful." They hug and fall asleep in Johns bed.

"And that kids is how we met"

"But papa when did you meet Zaza Lafayette and uncle Hercules?"

"A different story kids maybe tomorrow. Now off to bed or Santa will not come"

Alex tucks his two children into bed, twins boy and a girl. Called Adrianna-Josephine and Gabriel-Montez.

John was in the hall listening to the story and waited until Alex came out the room.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The End

I'm Sorry. Really sorry I didn't mean to leave you for so long. Oops.

Your dearest,

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