I'm Homophobic I think....

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"What story do you want?"

"How you met Daddy"


This is what happened..."

Monday, 18th September 2014. Kings Collage, New York. A new semester with new students. Alexander had been there for a year now and headed to his room. Knowing the route off by heart. He noticed a note in the door that read

"New student John Lauren's, Age:19, Male, Art and Politics. Arrives at 2:30pm"

Finally Alexander thought, his old roommate left in his first year and no one else moved in and he was beginning to get lonely. Opening the door and heading in he put his box back on his bed and set everything out. His bed was the right hand side one and he had put a couple bookshelves in the year before (With Permission of course).

Putting up the clock in the middle of the two beds Alexander realised he only had half an hour left until his new roommate arrived. After organising everything perfectly he headed to the lunch room downstairs and grabbed food before heading back up.

He passed a couple familiar faces like Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson and Angelica Schuyler. Aaron was the oldest on our floor making him the 'Student Selected Go-To Person' we are on good terms with each other as we both do Politics and have a minor in English.

Angelica is one of Alexander's closest friends and studies Philosophy and History and also happens to be Asexual and Aromatic which is how they meet cause Alexander flirted with her and then on they were friends.

And Thomas was a dick to Alexander cause they had like this argument in Politics and it may have ended in a fist fight and a meeting with The Rector of the School Professor George Washington.

When he got to his room he opened the door and enters. He sat on his bed and brought out his phone and stared texting Eliza Schuyler his kind-of girlfriend. They weren't official or anything they just flirted and hung out a couple times. Mainly cause Angelica scared him but so what.

Alexander was looking through his snapchat when the door opened revealing a small boy with is hair in a bun at the back and freckles everywhere.  He was carrying a lot of bags and one massive canvas so Alexander offered to help him.

Jumping up Alexander opened the door wider and took two bags off John and placed the on his bed. He then took the other bags and put them beside the other bags.

John, now only carrying the canvas, thanked Alexander and started to clear up. Alexander was still standing and being awkward until he said "Hey I'm Alexander Hamilton, I study Politics and English." He held his hand out for John to shake and John did. Saying "John Lauren's Art and and Politics. But you already knew that didn't you". Alexander nodded but still smiled widely.


After John was finished putting things away and having small conversations with Alexander. Alex showed him around the room. On the right beside Alexander's bed was a closet with space for everyone. On the left was the bathroom and in between the two beds was a desk with a chair.

It wasn't much but it was nice and homely Alexander thought.

"So John lets get to know each other. 10 questions?"

"Sure you start" John said.

"Okay. Why did you pick Art and Politics?"

"I really like Art as it expresses emotions you can't say or tell and Politics because I wanted to understand world affairs more. And What made you pick Politics and English?"

"I want to be secretary of Treasury when I'm older and I took English as it is t my first language. Why did you choose this College?"

"I choose this one as many famous people are from here and my great great great some more great Grandad came here and helped in the 1781 revolution of Independence.  What is your first Language?"

"Nice family ties. And Spanish is my first Language I grew up in the Spanish community. Anyone caught your eye yet?''

"Getting personal now. And yes the guy with the Afro and French accent. Have you got anyone?" 

Alexander paused and thought for a second he's GAY oh my god would never have guessed that

"Thomas Jefferson you mean. And maybe I don't know yet. We just keep flirting that's all. "Are you gay?"

"Yeah hope that doesn't freak you out or anything. Who is this mystery person?"

"I don't care and her name is Eliza....

This Game carried on until we ran out of Questions and Alexander offered to show him around the grounds. First He showed him his classes and then the food court. Then the coffee shop just off campus and finally the big art studio. He freaked out at that and nearly fainted when Alexander said this was open 24/7 as long as it is still in good condition.

We headed to the food court as it was just hitting 5pm and we were starting to get hungry. He picked a salad while Alexander picked a pizza. They ate in the hall and then walked back to the room. A notice was on their door again saying a party was being held in Jeffersons room and to bring Alcohol.

John and Alexander agreed to go and they decided they would.

At around 9:30 they were heading over with Drink in hand and the music was already blaring as loud as it could. Opening the door they walked in and split up. John went and got drunk while Alex was only tipsy. Angelica was there and was dragging Alexander around to meet all the new people. She was very drunk and almost puked on Jeffersons nice couch he bought.

Since he was a only a one bed room it had more space and was bigger than the other rooms. Angelica ran to the bathroom and still holding Alexander dragged him to.

John was standing g on the table stripping drink in hand and being car called by a couple guys. Thomas saw this and decided he had enough to drink and pulled him down off the table.

"HEY YOU SHOULD PROBABLY GET GOING ITS PRETTY LATE" Thomas shouted over the music. "NAH MAN THEE PARTYYYY JUST BEHINNNNING" John slurred out. Thomas grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd. He knew the boy and knew where his room was. He opened the door and dropped John off in bed. But before he realised John gabbed his neck and brought Thomas along with him. Now they were both in Johns bed with a drunk John Lauren's.

Back in the party

Once Angelica finished being sick Alexander dropped he hair and walked back out off the bathroom Angelica in tow. John was no where in sight and that worried Alexander a bit as he was really wasted before. Alexander said goodbye to Angelica and went to find John. A couple people said he left with Jeffersons so he went to check the room. And there they both were. Jefferson looking bored and kind of awkward while John was behind him saying some questionable things. "Alexander you have to help me he won't let go and I have a party to run" Jefferson asked Alexander.

"I could of I could take photos and leave. Or I could do none and just pretend I didn't see this" Alexander said jokingly. He took his phone out and took a couple photos before putting his phone away and helping Jefferson move Johns arms. Only to be grabbed as soon as Jefferson was free. Alexander sighed and told Jefferson to leave as he tried to get out of Johns arms.

He tried for what felt like hours but was only 20 minutes a d then just gave up and went to sleep in the bed.  

To be continued....

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