What's the plural of Moose?

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A/N hey Gayfam. I'm sorry for not updating sooner but I had to get myself out of a dark place. I have had a few deaths in the family and I was not up for anything. Anyway let's get on with this. Enjoy!


"Why is there no plural for Moose?" John asked into the night. Not knowing if Alexander was awake or not. Alex looked at John who was in deep thought the to the clock which read 2:30am.

"John can't this wait till the morning?" A very sleepy Alex asked. John laughed the touched the tip of Alex's nose while saying "Of Course my little Mooseette" with that John was fast asleep again. Alex laughed to himself before moving closer to Johns body. But before he fell asleep he spotted a spider on the ceiling. Carefully watching it for a while he was satisfied it was safe. Making him fall asleep easily.


"Alex hurry up!!!" John shouted from the bedroom waiting for his boyfriend to bring in breakfast. John then spotted something weird on the floor. It was big, had 8 legs and crawled.


John let out the 'Manliest' scream ever and nearly fainted on the bed if he wasn't scared the spider would eat him. He threw everything he could grab at it. Shoes, clothes, pillows, books. Until he had nothing left to throw.

Through all this John didn't see Alex at the door holding his phone laughing at Johns actions.

Only when John calmed down a little did he look to the door and nearly screamed. Alex had caught all that on tape and was probably sharing it to all of their friends. "Alexander stop laughing! You would have done the same thing!!" Alex continued to laugh uncontrollably until John picked up a shoe and threw it at the door just missing him.

"Fine no food for you. Yo will have to get up and walk over the spider infested floor yourself" before laughing more.

John let out a loud huff before crossing his arms and turning around. Before remembering the room has a spider in it. Grabbing his phone and a pillow he ran into the living room at full speed so the spider could not catch him.

Alex was laughing in the kitchen while making banana muffins for breakfast. Being the son of a baker helps you out for the future apparently. John sat on the couch for a while before deciding to drink some coffee.

Alex had already made him one and placed it in front of John before he could move. Tasting it John found out Alex was a good baker but excellent coffee maker. Alex sat beside John and laid his head against Johns shoulder.

"Just so you know it was a harmless spider I already checked for you." John smiled at the thought of his boyfriend helping him. Turing slightly John connected Alexander's and his own lips.

Staying like that until the door opened revealing Lafayette, Hercules, Peggy,Maria, Eliza and Angelica. They looked at the couple on the couch and "awed" that was until Peggy and Maria barged in and jumped on the couch.

The group shared the day not as a group as a family. Eating Alexander's food, playing with Peggy and Maria's hair, doing make up and being friends.


It is probably terrible as I haven't written in forever but at least I updated.

So have fun and stay safe!

Your dearest, Megan

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