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A/N hey gayfam so this is not an update but I need advice on something. I want to start a book based on Hamilton where they overcome challenges and take good\Bad opportunities. It would be an AU and would involve fluff (No smut cause I can't write it) if you would like it jeep reading and I will put a preview of it for you. It will contain a few bad word about religion but I don't mean it, it is all for the story. Thanks xx


John hated church and his stupid religious father. He also hated how he hade to get up at an ungodly time to clean the pews. He was never fond of the idea of being religious which only deepened when he meet a group of people.

Alexander was the school freak his father had left and his mother had died. He was now living with his cousin who was never home. He meets a group of teenagers who are either outcasts or don't want to live by the rules of society. They all go to the local church to freak a few people out with their gayness until Alex sets his eyes on a boy with frizzy hair in a ponytail and freckles. He made the boy a target and started hanging out with him. What will happen?


So that is the profiles(?) of Alex and John if you like it just comment asking to continue it.

Thanks x
Your dearest,

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