Kicked by Team Natsu

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Lucy's pov

I was outside of the guild staring at the door.'Do I have to go in?' I asked myself. Finally I open the doors and saw tables flying, wizards fighting just like always.

Also I'm being ignored by everyone except for Levy, Wendy, Juvia, Erza, Mira, Lisanna, Gray, Elfman, Cana, Gajeel, and the exceeds since Lisanna came back.

I saw Mira at the bar. I wanna have a milkshake. I walked up to Mira when suddenly Natsu grabbed my hand.

"Luce, I wanna talk to you."

"Ummm...... ok." I feel nervous. I don't know why, maybe because we haven't talked to each other for a long time.

"I'm kicking you out of Team Natsu. You were just a replacement for Lisanna."

I was speechless. Then Lisanna came rushing towards us.

"Natsu, I thought you were just gonna add me to the team. Why do you have to kick Lucy?!"

"Can't you see she's weak. She always hide at the back of there spirits and she's always loud and noisy."

"But-" I cut her off.

"Lisanna it's ok. If that's what he wants. You can't do anything about it. It's his team."

I here everyone gasp. I run out of Fairy Tail crying.

I am at my apartment to pack all of my things 'coz I'm leaving. I summon Virgo to help me.

Open Gate of the Maiden, Virgo

"Is it punisment time princess?"

"No Virgo, I wan't you to pack all my stuff. I'm gonna leave for a long time."

She didn't say anything and start packing.I can't believe it, Natsu, he's the one that made me join the guild but he's also the reason why I'll leave the guild.

Lisanna's pov

"Natsu!!! I want Lucy in the team!"

"Stop whining like a baby. She is weak. She's always loud. I can't take her anymore."

"You told me that Fairy Tail is a family. They're good to each other but what you did was not what you said!"

"Stop sticking to the past!"

"I'm so disappointed at Fairy Tail!!"

I ran out of the guild feeling bad. I thought he is good. He always cared for everyone.

Sorry if there are wrong spellings and grammar  'coz this is my very first book and chapter.

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