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Zeref's pov ~After 2 years~

Today we will have a picnic. By we, it's me, Lulu, and Luke. Tomorrow Lucy will go back to Earthland with me and Luke. I'm so excited to see Mavis again.

"Zeref-nee! Are you ready?" Lulu asked me.

"Yeah!" I answered.

"Wet's go!" Our little Luke said.

"So where is the picnic place Zeref-nee?" Lulu asked.

"It's a secret place only I know." I said and she pouted at me. I carried Luke 'coz Lucy is bringing the basket. I went in the woods to a small tunnel.

"Where does this tunnel lead to?" Lulu asked.

"To the secret place." I said and she pouted again. I went inside the tunnel and when we went out we are at a garden surrounded by tall bushes.

"WOW!! It's so beautiful!" Lulu said looking around.

"Don't tell anyone about this place." I said.

"Ok!" She said and put a blanket.

"Wet's pway hide and seek!" Luke shouted.

"But we shouldn't use our dragon senses." Lulu said.

"Who goes first?" I asked. Luke raised his hand.

"Ok Luke you go." He closed his eyes and count to ten. I hid behind a bush while Lulu hid behind a tree.

"Weady ow no hew I come!" Luke said. He look behind the fountain, the bench and my bush.

"Found you Zewef-nee!" He said.

"Aww. You found me." I prented to be sad. He gigglezs

"Now I have to find Wucy-nee!" He exclaimed he went to the statue, he looked in the tunnel then he went to Lulu's tree.

"Found you Wucy-nee!" He said. Lulu giggles.

"Hey I'm hungry!" I shouted.

"We just had a round of Hide and Seek now your hungry?" Lulu asked. She took out 3 sandwiches and some cookies. She gave us a sandwich each.

"Let's dig in!" I shouted munching my sandwiches. Luke ate his sandwich peacefully. Lulu took out 3 water bottles and she began eating.

"I'm gonna teach Fairy Tail some lesson tomorrow." She said.

"Well, we have to change your look. Remember you're Lucifer Violet and I'm Hikari Violet and Luke is Luke Violet." I said.

"Why Luke Violet?" She asked.

"They don't know who Luke is." I said.

"I'm so dumb sometimes." She whispered but I heard her.

"Yeah." I said and she glared at me.

"Who are you gonna fight tomorrow?" I asked changing the topic so that she won't kill me.

"All the powerful mages, especially Team Natsu." She said.

"I will visit their grave every year." I
said clasping my hands together.

"Hey! I won't kill them!" She shouted at me then we laugh. Suddenly we're splashed by water. I look to see Luke splashing us water.

"Oh, you wan't to play like that." She said then we play water fight for the whole day. We went back home soaked up in water.

"Welcome back! I can see that you played water fight." Mom said.

"Luke started it." Zeref said and point at Luke.

"Now, now, I want tou all cleaned up before dinner." Mom said and kiss our fore heads.

"Hai!" We all said and went to our rooms. We cleaned up, ate dinner, and sleep.


Konichiwa Minna!

Don't Zeref, Lucy and Luke have a beautiful brother-sister relationship. I'm very sorry ZerLu fans! I'm a Nalu lover. But I also like GrayLu a bit. Hope to see you next chapter!


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