Matchmaking Day- JeRza

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Lucy's pov

For this ship. I asked Freed to put up some runes that says 'you can't get out after 5 hours' after I went out.

I went out of the guild and went to the forest. I followed Jellal's scent. It lead me to an opening where they are camping. They are all asleep. I slowly snuck inside Jellal's tent and get his Erza plush. I replaced it with Aries wool. It will only last for 10 minutes. I ran to Fairy Hills and snuck in Erza's room. I got her Jellal plush and ran back to the guild. I hid behind my back the 2 plushies. After a while Jellal busted in the guild.

"Lucy." He said in a deadly tone.

"Hey blueberry. I think you and your strawberry wants to show something. I raise the 2 plushies up and all the girls were screaming I threw Mira the Jellal plush and we ran. Jellal is chasing me and Erza is chasing Mira. We went down and went to the middle.

"Jump!" We both said and we jump high up in the air which made the 2 kiss. We landed on the ground the same time they broke apart.

"Here's your plushies." We both threw them their plushies. They are now blushing a million shades of red. It could put Erza's hair in shame.

"Erza, I've been wanting to do that for who-knows-how-long. I love you Erza Scarlet." Jellal said.

"I love you too Jellal." Then they kissed each other. A lot of screams from the girls can be heard.

"Will you be my gitlfriend?" Jellal asks.

"Yes!" Erza shouted and hugs him.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!!" I shouted and made mattresses on the floor.

"For today, Mira and I made all our ships together!!" I shouted.

"I'll give you all popcorns and we'll watch a video." I said and made popcorns for all of them I sat beside Natsu the whole video. There were a lot of screaming,'aww' and 'ohhh'. At the end everyone is happy.

"Thank You Mira and Lucy!!" The ships hug us.

"Get off my girl!" Laxus and Natsu shouted.

"We are to gether also." Mira and I said in unison and hug out partner. A lot of screams can be heard when we hug them.

"Your welcome guys."  We said. We won't tell them that it's matchmaking day today 'coz if we make a plan they'll know and they won't go with it.

"LET'S PARTY!!!!" I shouted. The guild partied all night because of our ships. I wish there will be more.

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