Matchmaking Day- ZerVis

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Lucy's pov

"Good Luck Mira! I'll go to Mavis." I said. I went to Mavis on the second floor.

"Hey Mavis. Do you like Zeref?" I asked which made her blush many shades of red.

"Y-Yes." She whispers.

"Too bad he likes a different person." I said.

"Who?" She asked with jealousy and anger in her eyes.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me. You better confess to him already. He still has a tiny crush on you." I said.

"Hai!" She said and goes down.

Mira's pov

"Do you like Mavis?" I asked Zeref which made his face as red as a tomato.

"Y-Yes." He whispers but I heard him.

"I think she likes you too." I said.

"R-Really?" He asked.

"Yes! When she talks to you her voice is in high pitch. She always smiles and blush around you. So I tell you to confess to her already." I said.

"Hai!" He said and runs to Mavis and went to the Master's office with her.

Zeref's pov

I lock the door. Good thing Master is not here. I come face to face with Mavis. I blush a little bit and I saw her face with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Hey Mavis/Zeref. I have something to tell you." We both said in unison.

"You go first." I said.

"Remember the day we first met at the Fairy Realm?" She asked.

"Hmm." I hum in response.

"Since that first day, I-I have fallen inlove with you. I know you d-" I cut her off.

"I love you too." I said and kiss her. She gasp and kiss back.

"I never thought that the Prince will fall in love on me." She said.

"And I never thought you know what love is." I said. She punches my shoulder playfully. We laugh together and went out.

Lucy's pov

"I'm proud on my big brother. Never thought they both know what love is." I said.

"They're both cildish." Mira said.

"Next is CaPpy/HaRla." We both said in unison.


Hey minna!

I want you to vote on which ship name is better. HaRla or CaPpy. I need you to vote.


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