We're caught

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Zeref's pov

We are now walking to the guild while talking. I actually didn't come here to be with Lucy. Well I want to protect her all the time but it's not the reason why I came back here in Earthland. I want to see............. Mavis. I like her or should I say I love her so much. But where is she? Isn't she sup-

"Hikari, Hikari, Hikari!" Lucy shouted

"What do you want!?!" I shouted back.

"You were spacing out the whole time. You bumped into strangers and didn't say sorry and kept walking!" She said.

"Oh, sorry." I said and she sighed. We arrived at the guild and kicked the dorrs open to see 2 strange men in white cloaks.

"Hey Lahar, Doranbolt." Lucy said and waved. Who's Lahar and Doranbolt?

"Lucifer, please come with us." A guy said.

"Let's." Then we teleported inside a stadium surrounded by cloacked men.

"Lucifer Violet, will you take the place as first wizard saint?" A guy said.

"Yes. Also, I have some explanation to do......." then she started telling them about me, the Dragon Realm, who we really are and more stuff. After 5 minutes she finished explaining.

"So he's Zeref. Not a dark mage."

"Yeah." She said.

"Would you, Zeref Heartfillia take the place as 2nd wizard saint and Luke Heartfillia as 3rd wizard saint?" Another guy asked.

"YES!!" Luke and I shouted.

Lucy's pov

They will regret picking them as 2nd and 3rd wizard saint. But, it's good that they believed in me.

"We better go back." I said and teleported in the guild.

"Lucifer is now the 1st wizard saint, I'm the second and Luke is third!!!" Zeref shouted. Does he have to announce it?

"WHAT!!!!" The guild shouted then all the dragon slayers covered their ears.

"NOT TO LOUD!!!!" We shouted.

"I can't think of a newbie being that strong." Gray said.

"Mira, 1 strawberry milkshake please." I said.

"Coming right up!" She said. She came back with my milkshake and place it infront of me.

"Thank You!" I said.

"Your welcome!" She said.

"BTW did you see Stella, Sven and Mark?" I asked.

"Nope. They didn't come at the guild this morning." She said and I nod. I drink my millshake and went back home. I open the door  and went to the living room.

"I'm back!" I said. Stella hugs me and begins to cry.

"Thank God you're back! She has been crying since this morning. We tried to do everything that can make her happy but she keeps on crying!" Sven said.

"Shh.... stop crying. I'm here." I said and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and watch a movie. But I slept in the middle of the movie.

Zeref's pov

I went to Luke who is talking to Asuka.

"Hey Luke! Do you know where Lulu is?" I asked.

"Nope! Let's ask Mira-nee. Bye Asuka-chan." Luke said. We went to the bar and order a strawberry milkshake.

"Hey Mira! Do you know where Lucy is?" I asked and sip my milkshake.

"I don't know. She was just sitting right there while drinking her milkshake." She said. Luke and I spit out our drinks.

"You mean she's LOST!?!" We both shouted at the same time.

"Uhh.... maybe." She said. We ran home and went to the living room to see Lucy and the exceeds sleeping while the TV is playing 'Captain America: Civil War'.

"So she was here all the time?" Luke asked.

"Yup. I'll take her in her room while you take the exceeds in their rooms." I said. I pick up Lucy bridal-style and went to her room. I put her on her bed. I kiss her on her fore head.

"Good Night Princess." I said and went to my room to see Sven on my bed sleeping.


Konichiwa Minna!

Aww! Cute but short ZerLu moment. Your Welcome ZerLu fans but I'm staying with Nalu in this book. I can't have Zeref and Lucy a couple 'coz they have a brother-sister relationship. See ya next time!


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