Wendy and Carla

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Lucy's pov

It's been 2 weeks since I left Fairy Tail. I bought an apartment not far from the cafe where I work. I'm writing a letter to Makarov,


                   How's the guild? I bet they are happy. That I'm gone. Sorry I didn't send you a letter last week. I was busy finding an apartment and  a job. But I found an apartment near a cafe where I work. Please tell my true friends not to cry their eyes out everyday. I'll send you another letter next week.


I fold it and put it in an envelope.

"Open gate of the Lion! Leo!" I summon Loke so that he could give the letter to Makarov

"How may I help you sweetheart?" He said. This flirty.

"Give this letter to Master. Don't let anyone read it."

"As you wish." He bow and disappear. Well I better go to work.

Master's pov.

It's been 2 weeks since Lucy left. I'm worried of her. She didn't give me a letter last week. The guild acts like she didn't disappear. Then Loke appear infront of me.

"Master, from L-you know who." He said.

"Hey Loke!! Where's that weakling?" Natsu shouted. Loke is gonna attack him but I stop him and make my arm big and punch him. He is now unconcious on the ground. Wendy didn't even heal him. Erza carried him to the infirmary.

"Follow me." We head upstairs to my office. I sit down and read the letter.

(I won't write it anymore 'coz you already saw it. ^_^)

I write a letter to her and give it to Loke.

"Don't read it. Also give this to her." I give him a heart-shaped necklace. I bought it for her.

"Ok I'll be going." He bow and leave.

Lucy's pov.

I'm waiting for a costumer but there's none.

"Ughh. I've been standing here for 1 hour and there are no sign of any costumers." I groan

"*chuckles* It's only been 5 minutes." My new friend Kathy said. She is the first person to talk to me in this village. She helped me find an appartment and she made me work here.

"You're so lazy Lulu." That nickname. That's what Levy used to call me.

"I'm back sweetheart."

"Guess who it is. So did Master give me a letter?"

"Yes, he also wan't me to give this to you. Oh and Hello Kathy." He gives me the letter and a heart-shaped necklace.

"Hey Loke." Kathy said plainly. She dosen't like Loke.

"Well I better go now. Bye princess." He bow and disappear.

"Flirty as always. Well open it up. I wanna read it." She give me her irresistable puppy eyes.

"Ok. Here you go." She took the letter and read it.

"Dear Lucy,

                     I was worried why you didn't give me the letter. But it's ok. I hope you're safe there.The guild are like always but your true friends kept on crying and being sad. They beat up Natsu.


she finished reading the letter. So they didn't even notice huh? Well, it's okay. They're not my true friends.

"If I'm just strong I will beat the crap out of Natsu!" Kathy said. I giggle.

"You're not weak Kathy. You're strong." She smile at me then a short girl come in.

"Wendy!Carla!" I shouted. What are they doing here?!

"Lucy-nee!/Lucy!" They run and hug me.

"What are you guys doing here?" They step back and answer me.

"Well, we went on a job on our own. I didn't know you're here. Well Team Natsu is out 'coz we left even happy leaving Natsu on his own." She smile at me.

"Well take a place and I'll get your order." She nod and took the place at the window.

"May I take your order ma'am?" I said

"May I have a toast and and an ice tea. How about you Carla?" Wendy said.

"A toast and a cup of tea." Carla said.

"I'll give your order straight away!" I went to Kathy and give her the order. After 5 minutes I got their order.

"Here you go."

"Thanks Lucy-nee." I giggle at Wendy calling me 'Lucy-nee'. They're our first costumers.

"I'll be right back." I went to Kathy and said, "Hey I'll buy those bracelets. Here." I give her the money and she nod. After she give it to me I went back to Wendy and Carla.

"Hey guys I'm back. I have something for you." Then I show them the bracelets I bought.

"Wow Lucy-nee. You-" I cut her off.

"Well I left you guys so this is my make-up gift to you." They smile and wear it.

"Thanks Lucy." Carla said.

"Oh. Don't tell anyone that you saw me okay?"

"Of course Lucy. Well we better go." I hug them and said goodbye.

"Well isn't she cute." Kathy said.

"Yeah. She also calls me Lucy-nee."

"She isn't your little sis right?" I laugh at her.

"Of course not." Then costumers came in and we started working.


Konichiwa minna!

How's it so far? I'm good. Just some school stuff that I hate doing so much. I hope you keep reading.


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