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Natsu's pov

I'm gonna ask Luce on a date today! Lalalalala! I kick the door of the guild open.

"OHAYO!!" I shouted.

"Ohayo Natsu!" The guild shouted. I look around and spot Luce on the bar. I went to her and hug her. She slightly jumps in shock.

"Natsu! Don't scare me like that." She shouted.

"Yeah, yeah." I said.

"Meet me at the park later at 5 pm." I whispered in her ear.

"Ok!" She said. I sat beside her.

"What can I get for you Natsu?" Mira asked.

"Everything Mira!" I said.

"Coming in an hour." She said and started cooking my food. 1 HOUR!!!! NOOO!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!

After screaming like that, Luce puts her hands on her ears.

"Is there something wrong Luce?" I asked worriedly.

"Stop screaming inside your head. I can hear it and your so loud." She said and takes her hands off.

"Sorry Luce." I said.

~ Timeskip ~ 5:00 pm

I'm at the park waiting for Luce. I know it's rare for me to wait but it's my girlfriend. I'm wearing a black pants, white t-shirt and a black jacket. I saw a blonde girl wearing a sleeveless blue dress with a ribbon on the right side of her lower stomach.

"Luce!" I shouted while running to her.

"Hey Mr. Handsome." She said. I stop infront of her and pout.

"What? Don't like me calling you handsome?" She asked.

"I prefer you call me Natsu." I said.

"Okay Natsu. So where are we going?" She asked.

"It's a secret." I said. I took her hand and we went to the restaurant beside the park.

"Table for Mr. Dragneel." I said.

"I'll lead you too your table sir." A guy said. He leads us to a table near the window. I take Luce's chair and she sits down and I sat down on my own. The guy gives us 2 menus. I take one and look at it.

"May I take your orders?" The guy asked.

"I'll have a carbonara and a strawberry milkshake." Luce said.

"I'll have a chicken w/ rice and a chocolate milkshake." I said. He takes our menus and leave.

"You're not Natsu." Luce said.

"I'm Natsu." I said.

"You usually order the whole menu." Luce said.

"I want to change." I said and she smiles.

"But I like the stupid you." She said and pout.

"Don't make that face." I said while pinching her cheeks.

"Nashu shop!" Lucy said. I remove my hands and smile innocently at her.

"Hehehe." I laughed. The waiter comes back with our food.

"Finally!" Luce shouted and I chuckled at her. We started eating our food.

"This pasta tastes so good!" Luce said with stars in her eyes.

"I know. Their food tastes so good!" I said. We started chatting about random stuff until we finished our foods. I payed the bill and we started walking to the amusement park.

"Where are we going next? This isn't the way to my house." Luce said

"We will go to......." I brought out 2 tickets.

"The Amusement Park! Yey! I love you so much Natsu!" Luce said and hug me.

"I love you too." I said. We arrived at the Amusement Park. I gave the man in a booth our tickets and we went to the Roller Coaster.

"L-Luce. I-I h-have m-motion s-sickness." I said while shaking in fear.

"Don't worry Natsu. Angel's Troia!" She said. A light went to my stomach.

"Arigato Luce!" I said. It's our turn. We sat down and waited for the Roller Coaster to start. Suddenly, it started so fast that made me jump. We started going up and we reached the top. We fell down!!

"Ahhh!!!!!" I shouted. Mavis,please help me.

~ Timeskip ~

"Hahaha! You're face was so priceless!" Luce laughed at me.

"That thing is a monster!" I said.

"Hahahaha!" She laughed.

"Let's play a game Luce." I said trying to get off of that embarrassing topic.

"That one!" She shouted while pointing at a booth. I drag her to the booth.

"Good afternoon sir, ma'am." The guy said.

"Good afternoon. How much for 3 darts?" I asked. Basically, you should pop 3 ballooons to get a prize.

"5 jewels sir." The guy said and I paid him. I took the 3 and throw them at the same time. The 3 popped the balloons and the crowd gasps. There's a lot of 'Woah' or 'That was cool'.

"That was amazing sir. Because of that, you can pick 2 prizes." The guy said.

"What do you want Luce?" I asked.

"That golden dragon plushie." She said.

"And the red dragon plushie." I said. The guy picks the 2 and gives it to us.

"Arigato!" Kuce and I both said in unison.

"Your welcome!" The guy said. We spent the rest of our time playing games or eating food.

~ Timeskip ~ 10:00 pm

"Thanks for bringing me home and these Natsu." Luce said.

"Anything for you Luce. Good Night!" I said.

"Night Natsu!" Luce said.

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