Dragon Slayer Sickness Season

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Lucy's pov

"Levy!Mira! Romeo! Get to your slayer and bring them to the infirmary now!" I said.

"Why Lucy?" Erza asked.

"It's dragon slayer sickness season. Zeref will explain it to you when he wakes up." I said and drag Natsu to the infirmary. I put him on a bed and so did the others.

"What is 'Dragon Slayer Sickness Season'?" Levy asked.

"It's the season where the slayers feel sick. It's obvious. But we, mates, should stay near them or else they will die if we are not at least 1 kilometer near them in 5 hours." I said.

"Are they gonna be okay?" Romeo asked.

"They will be okay. We just have to stay here for 1 week." I said.

"How are we gonna eat, drink or take a bath? And who's gonna replace me at the bar?" Mira asked.

"Zeref and Luke will deliver us food here everyday and Kinana will replace you at the bar." I said.

"How are we gonna take a bath?" Mira asked again.

"Wood Make: CR!" I said. 4 cr appeared in a flash. I know it's weird but it's still usefull sometimes.

"Weird." Romeo said.

"Yeah. But hey, it can be useful." I said.

"How 'bout our clothes?" Levy asked.

"I'll teleport your clothes here." I said. I snap my fingers and 4 bags appeared. Inside those bags are our clothes. We sat down beside our slayers. The door opens revealing 2 shaking figures.

"Come here Luke and Zeref." I said. They walk to me and kneel.

"We're so so so so sorry Lucy-nee. Please forgive us." They both said in unison.

"You will have 3 punishments. 1. You will be our servants for 1 week. 2. You will kiss each other infront of the whole guild. 3. You will lick all the ketchup and mustards in my room." I said and smirk evilly.

"WHAT!?!" They both yelled in unison.

"Or do you wa-." Before I could finish my sentence, Zeref cuts me.

"We agree. Do you need anything?" He asked.

"Nothing. We will ring this bell *shows the bell* and you should come here." I said. They nod and went out of the room.

"This will be fun." Mira said and smirk evilly.

"You can tell them to do anything. Example: Zeref will shout infront of Mavis that he hates her. Luke will kiss Happy on his lips infront of the whole guild." I said.

"You guys are cruel. But it's awsome." Romeo said. Natsu starts to glow and red scales appeared on his whole body.

"W-What happened to Natsu?" Levy asked.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. After the 'Dragon Slayer Sickness Season' is the 'Dragon Slayer Mating season'. During the Sickness Season, scales,wings, tails and horns will appear all over their body including mine." I said. My body glows and galaxy-colored scales appeared all over my body.

"Also, during the Mating Season, you should always stay near your mates or else they will go on a rampage searching for you. They will go overprotecrive around you. On the 7th day, they will mark you on your neck as a sign that you belong with him/her forever." I said. Laxus, Gajeel and Wendy glows. Scales appeared all over them. Yellow for Laxus, Grey for Gajeel and Sky Blue for Wendy.

"How 'bout Zeref and Luke?" Levy asked.

"They will also have scales, wings and tails." I said. Levy rings the bell and Zeref and Luke appeared. Zeref has Black Scales all over him and Luke has golden scales.

"Can you bring me random 10 romance book from the library." Levy asked.

"Okay." They disappeared. After 1 minute they appeared with the books Levy asked. They placed it beside Levy.

"Arigato. You may go now." Levy said. She took out her reading glasses from who-knows-where and starts reading.

"What else can we do?" I asked getting bored.

"Play cards!" Mira said. That's weird. She would usually suggest Truth or Dare. But it's okay. I would play cards rather than playing Mira's crazy Match making Dares. I ring the bell and Zeref appeared.

"Can you give us a set of cards?" I asked politley. He disappeared and re-appeared with a set of cards. He gives it to me.

"Arigato. You may now go back." I said. He disappears and we sat down on the floor. Except for Levy.

"Are you gonna play Levy-san?" Romeo asked.

"No thanks. I'm going to read." She said. We started playing without her.

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