GMG- Day 4

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Lucy's pov

*sigh* Last day of the GMG and I already know who will win. Of course us! I teleported to our balcony and wait for the battle to start. Luke and Zeref appeared next to me.

"You didn't wait for us." Luke whined.

"You guys were taking so long." I said.

"Good Morning everyone! Today is the last day of our GMG! You will all be fighting in the arena. Good Luck!" We all teleported insude the arena. Barriers were put around it so that we won't destroy anything.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Then everyone fought with each other. Nobody challenged us. So we sat down and drink strawberry milkshakes. That's our favorite. We watch the battle for how long. A lot of cups were at our back. Those are the milkshakes we drank.

Blue Pegasus vs. Lamia Scale
-Lamia Scale

Mermaid Heels vs. Sabertooth

Sabertooth vs. Lamia Scale

The battle is over. Sabertooth and us are the only ones left. Minerva made the first move by braking our milkshakes. We sat there frozen.

"You made the biggest mistake now Minerva Orlando." We said in a deadly tone. A murderous aura formed around us.

"Looks like Minerva Orlando made the Siblings really mad." Mato said. We begin torturing Minerva. I punch and kick her everywhere. After torturing her, we glare at her comerades.

"I think Stingy-bee and emo freak is next for me." I said.

"I'll take Rufus." Zeref said.

"I'll take Yukino." Luke said. We seperated from each other.

"Celestial Daggers!" I said. 5 daggers appeared on my hand. I vegin slashing them really really fast. After a second, the daggers disapoeared and Stingy-bee and emo freak fell unconcious. I turn around to see Zeref and Luke done as well.

Zeref's pov

Rufus and I went at the righat the back. I closed my eyes to concentrate. So he's a memory make mage. Welk that's making it easier.

"Dark Dragon Roar!" I said. When the dust cleared, Rufus is laying on the ground unconcious.

"I thought Sabertooth has powerful mages but it seems that those mages are so weak."

I said that to everyone in Sabertooth through telepathy. They glared daggers at me but I just roll my eyes. Like I would be scared just because of that.

Luke's pov

Yukino-san and I made our way at the left at the back. We were making a triangle. Lucy-nee infront, Zeref-nee and I at the back. I heard from Lucy-nee that she is a Celestial mage.

"Let's start. Wolf Crushing Claws!" The attack hit her and she falls on the ground unconcious.

"FAIRY TAIL WINS!!!!" A lot of cheering is heard.

"You'll get your prize 30,000,000 jewels at your guild." We went back to Fairy Tail and they congratulated us. We went to Sun Bar and celebrated.

Lucy's pov

I noticed Zeref looking .......... sad? Maybe he just misses Mavis. I read his mind to know what he is thinking.

'I wish Mavis is here. We would hang out and talk to each other. That's the second reason why I want to go back here. Where could she be?'

OMG!!!! Zervis! Zeref misses Mavis🎵🎵. I sing in my head. Actually, I'm a professional matchmaker. Tomorrow will be my matchmaking day with Mira!

"Hey Mira!" I sang.

"Yes Lucy? You seem to be in a good mood today." She said.

"And you will be. Tomorrow is our matchmaking day." I whislered in her ear.

"YYYYEEEEEAAHHHH!!!!!!" She shouted which made the guild looks at her as if she's a crazy woman running down a hill.

"Don't worry guys. I'm totally fine." She said. The guild went back partying.

"We have GaLe, GrUvia, JeRza, HaRla/CaPpy, RoWen and lastly ZerVis." I said while giggling.

"You forgot NaLu." She said and smirk evilly.

"You forgot MirAxus." I said and smirk evilly.

"Natsu and I/ Laxus and I are a couple." We both said in unison. We stared at each other shock. Actually if you didn't know here's a flash back.

~ flashback ~

Natsu and I are in my room at my house/mansion.

"Luce, I-I h-have s-something to tell you." Did Natsu just stutter?

"Hmmm." I hum in response.

"I-I..." Just what is he gonna say?

"Lucy Heartfillia, I Natsu Dragneel,has fallen in love with you since I first met you." I gasp in shock. Natsu loves me?

"Natsu Dragneel, I Lucy Heartfillia, has fallen in love with you since I first met you." I said. He kisses me. I kiss him back.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes!" I scream in delight.

~ End of Flashback ~ Mira's pov

"Tell me what happened with you Mira." I said.

~ Mira's Flashback ~

"Laxus!" Me and the girls (except Lucy) were playing truth or dare. Cana dared me to kiss LAXUS!!

"What do you w-" I kissed him on his lips. I pulled away and was going to go back when he pulls me and kisses me. He broke the kiss.

"Mira, I love you since we were kids." I gasp in shock but soon replaced by a smile.

"I love you too Laxus." I said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yes!" I scream in delight and kiss him.

~ End of Flashback

Lucy's pov

"Go to our hotel later. We will talk about what will we do." I said. We partied for the rest of thr night. But it won't last longer.......

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