GMG - Day 3

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Lucy's pov

Splash! A cold water splashed on my face. I open my eyes to see Zeref and Luke holding a bucket. I realized what they did and give them a death glare. A dark aura formed around me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked them in a murderous tone. They shiver in fear.

"W-We w-want t-to w-wake y-you u-up." Zeref said.

"You can do it the nicer way right. You're dead." I said. They ran away and I change into my red crop top with a black broken heart, black shorts, black jacket and red and black boots. I went to the balcony and saw the 2 looking at the other guilds. I sneak behind them and punch their heads.

"OOW!! WHO'S TH--!" They turn around and saw me. They shiver and hug each other.

"Hey." I said.

"G-Gomen L-Lucy-nee/L-Lucy t-to w-what w-we d-did." They said and bow.

"I'll let you off this time but when you do it again I won't." I said. They nod rapidly.

"Lesson 5: Don't play a prank on her." Zeref muttered while writing on his notebook.

"Good Morning everyone! Today is the 3rd Day of the GMG! Fairy Tail Team B is on the lead! Let's see who can beat them today and tomorrow. For our first game we have the water bubble. Pick 1 contestant to play but it should be a girl." Zeref and Luke looked at me. I sighed and re-quip to my bathing suit and jump off the balcony. A the boys had nosebleeds but I shrug them off. I went in the bubble and waited to start.

"These are the rules: If your out of the bubble your out, Don't kill anyone and Don't join in the bubble for any reason when you're already out. Ready!Set!Go!" Mato said. I push Poppy and Sherry out and look at the other girls fighting. I summoned a popcorn and watch them fight.

Minerva vs. Xandra

Kagura vs. Juvia

Minerva vs. Kagura

I didn't know that they were done. Minerva punched me on the face and I dropped my popcorn. I became angry just because of that. Yeah  I know that's not that important but still.

"WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DROP MY POPCORN!!!?!?!" I shouted. Everyone sweat-drop at me.

"That was just a popcorn." Minerva said. A tick mark appeared on my head.

"A POPCORN!?! JUST A POPCORN!?!!? THAT WAS NOT JUST A POPCORN!!! IT WAS MY LAST POPCORN YOU F*CK*NG B*TCH!!!" I scream. She smirks but I know she's scared. I appeared infront of her and punch her gut,face and sides I also kick her in those places. She coughed blood.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!!!!" I shouted at her. I push her violently outside the bubble. Rouge catched her on time. I went back to our balcony with a murderous aura.

"Lesson 6: Don't make her drop her last popcorn." Zeref said while writing on his so called ' Lesson Notebook '. If you're wondering what it is, It's a notebook where he writes his lessons.

"That was amazing! Now let's proceed to our fights." Mato said.

Juvia vs. Lyon

Yukino vs. Jenny

Ivan vs. Luke

Luke's pov

I jump off the balcony and went to my place. I keep on looking at Ivan. He used to be a good Uncle when he turned into an evil person because of Mard Geer. But I think he has changed now.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Mato said.

"How's my niece?" He asked while smirking evilly. He's still evil.

"I'm fine. But you. You're still the same." I said.

"Don't be so mean to your Uncle. Actually, you're in an illusion of mine right now. In reality, you're loosing." He said. He made the wrong choice to say that.

"Dispell." I said. I came back to reality and punch Uncle on his face.

"You think a silly illusion would stop me Uncle. Dark Dragon Roar!!" I said. The attack hit him and he falls to the ground with half-open eyes.

"Tell me. Where is Mard Geer?" I growled at him. He didn't answer and fell unconcious.

"RAVEN TAIL IS A DARK GUILD!!!" I shouted shocking everyone. The guards captured them and put them somewhere I don't know. I went back to our balcony.

"I remember who he is now!" Lucy-nee and Zeref-nee shouted.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Zeref-nee asked.

"I thought you know." I said. They made an 'O' shape on their mouth.

"Now that Raven Tail is disbanded, we only have 6 guilds left. Is that ok 1st?" Mato asked. Lucy smiles and nods at him.

"It's ok! Now let's continue our battles."

Chelia vs. Gregory

Milliana vs. Lisanna

Then we went to Sun Bar where 'coz Master told us to. We arrived and sat down at the bar.

"LISTEN UP BRATS!!!" Master shouted. Why does he have to do that everytime he's making an announcement.

"I'll take off Fairy Tail Team A tomorrow." He said.

"Why Gramps?!" Pinkie shouted.

"There should be only 1 team that will participate on the last day. I pick Fairy Tail Team B!" Master said.

"But we're much more stronger than them!" That white-haired b*tch shouted. We look at her like she was crazy.

"You're much more weaker Lisanna. No more complaints and let's party!" Master said. I look at the guild the whole time. Where are the exceeds. I haven't seen them starting the Sky Labrinth. Maybe they're at the hotel. Maybe.


Hey minna!

These are the points for the 3rd Day of the GMG.

Fairy Tail Team A- 38
Blue Pegasus- 20
Lamia Scale- 13
Mermaid Heels- 34
Sabertooth- 29
Fairy Tail Team B- 70


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