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Lucy's pov

Today I'm going to go back. We also changed our looks. I have Blue hair purple eyes, Zeref have blonde hair and yellow eyes and Luke is in his normal look.

"I'll miss you Lucy." My mom hug me.

"Be safe there." My dad hug me.

"Your highnesses, we have a gift to you." Grandine said and 3 exceeds came out.

"Hello!" They all said together.

"Kawaii!!" I scream in joy.

"I'll take the grey one. You will be Sven." Zeref said.

"I'll take the purple one. You will be Stella!" I said.

"Yewow!! Mark!" Luke shouted.

"I didn't know Luke can pick a name for him." I said.

"Bye everyone!" We said and step in the portal.

"I'm back." I said.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Zeref-nee asked.

"I wanna  go to the house mom bought for us." I look at the address mom gave us.

"It's just 5 blocks away from Fairy Tail." I said. I teleport to the place and when I look up I see a mansion infront of us.

"REALLY!! MOM BOUGHT THIS!!?!" Zeref and I shouted.

"Big." Luke said.

"Well, let's explore this castle." Zeref-nee said.

"Start calling me Lucifer ok Luke." He nod and run in the house .

~After 5 hours of exploring~

"Well let's go to the guild." We run to the guild in an inhuman speed.

"Put your hoods on." I said and they did what I told them. I kick the doors which sent them flying and caught everyone staring at us.

"Maybe I kick the doors to hard." I said.

"What happened? Why are they so quiet?" Hikari-nee asked. I walk to Mira and asked.

"Where's Master?" I asked.

"He's in his office upstairs the first door on the left side."

"Thank You and also when I go back 1 strawberry milkshake please." I said with a smile. She gasp and started crying.

"Hey! What did you do to Mira!?!"

"None of yoir business Bakaamander." I said. I walk upstairs to Master's office with Hikari and Luke following me leaving an angry Bakamander. I opened the door without knocking

"Yo Master I'm back." I said and Master look up from his paperwork and run and hug me.

"Lucy! Where have you been?" He asked.

"I went to the Dragon Realm. I'm the Princess of All and these 2 are the Prince of All. They are my brothers, Zeref and Luke. These 3 are Stella, Mark and Sven." I said pointing at the exceeds.

"Master, he is Zeref who attacked us. It was Mard Geer. He controlled Zeref and Achnologia." I said. He nods.

"I understand Lucy. What will be his name?" He ask pointing at Zeref.

"I'm Lucifer Violet, he's Hikari Violet and he's Luke Violet." I said.

"Old Man is a shorty hahaha." Luke laugh at Master.

"Luke where are your manners?" I scolded.

"Sorry." He said

"It's ok. Where and what color?" He asked.

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