Goodbye Fairy Tail

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Lucy's pov

I wake up at 10:30 - wait IT'S 10:30!!!! What happened to my alarm clock!?! Oh yeah. My alarm clock is off. Great. Note the sarcasm.

I was planning on leaving early so that no one will notice. Well except for those who are early.

I took a bath, eat breakfast and get my things.

~At the guild~

I left my things outside and went to Mirajane.

"Hey Mira. Is Master here?"

"Yes he's upstairs.

"Thank You."


I just smile and walk to Master's office. I knock 3 times and after that I hear him say 'come in'.

"Oh Lucy. What brings you here child?"

"I want to leave the guild Master."

He is shock with what I said but recover quickly.

"Why child?"

"*sigh* Everyone in the guild starts ignoring me except for some. Worst of all is Team Natsu or Natsu kicking me out of the team and saying that I'm weak and that I always hide behind my spirits."

"Ok. Give me your hand."

I do what he said. He mumbles some words that I don't understand. My guild mark disappeared.

"Are you coming back?"

"Yes Master. Don't worry I will send you a letter once a week.Oh! Here are the letters for my friends. Don't announce to them that I'm gone. Bye Master." I said and hug him.

After that I went outside of the guild without saying anything.

Master's pov

Those brats are hurting one of my child. I better give this letter.

"Hey BRATS!!!" Good. I caught everyone's attention.

"I need Lisanna, Juvia, Erza, Mirajane, Levy, Wendy, Gray, Gajeel at my office now."

"Why Gramps?" That stupid brat Natsu asked.

"It's none of your business now follow me."

We're inside my office.

"I know you are wondering why I called you here. I just want to give you these letters. Read it right here."

Lisanna's pov

Dear Lisanna,

                      Thanks for not ignoring me this whole time.I left the guld. Don't worry I will return with the name Lucifer Violet. Always be happy and keep your smile.

Your friend, Lucy

I cry and cry Lucy!!!! I'm sorry. If I didn't come back you would be still here.

Juvia's pov

Dear Juvia,

                   It's been nice knowing you. I forgive you for all the things you've done. I will be gone for a while. Don't worry I will be back. Don't give up at Gray.

Your Love Rival, Lucy

Love Rival!!!! I won't give up on

Erza's pov

Dear Erza,

             You have been my big sister. I always love you like that. I know that you hurt me sometimes but it's ok. Please stop Natsu and Gray from fighting everyday and be happy with your new teammate Lisanna.

Your little sister, Lucy

I always love you as my little sister Lucy.

Mirajane's pov

Dear Mira,

          Thank you for always giving me the best strawberry milkshakes. Thank you for not ignoring me. Keep that smile that you always give to everyone. I wish that you will conyinue your OTPs. I will be back with the name Lucifer Violet.

Your milkshake lover, Lucy

Lucy, I hope I can grant your wish. I miss you Lucy.

Levy's pov

Dear Levy,

             Thank you for being my best friend Levy and not ignoring me. I left you my book and a lacrima in your house so that we can communicate with each other. Tell Gajeel your feelings for him. I know you like him. ^3^

Your bestfriend, Lucy

Lucy. I will miss you so much.

Wendy's pov

Dear Wendy,

               I treated you like my little sister. Don't worry I will be back. Tell Happy 'Never give up on your feelings for Carla' and tell Carla 'Please accept Happy's love for you.

Your big sister, Lucy

Lucy-nee I always treated you like my big sister. I'll miss you.

Gray's pov

Dear Gray,
                 I always treated you like a big brother. Thank you for not ignoring me. I hope you will accept Juvia's love for you.

Your little sister, Lucy

Lucy, Why did you have to leave?

Gajeel's pov

Dear Gajeel,

                 Thanks for not ignoring me Gajeel. I will be gone for a while. Don't worry I will be back. I know you like Levy so admit to her already.

Your bunny girl, Lucy

Bunny girl, why did you leave?

Master's pov

"Gramps, why did she leave?!" Ask Gray.

"Isn't it written there that she is being ignored. She is also kicked out of Team Natsu without your agreement." I said.

"Natsu." They all said with a scary tone which made me shiver.

"Guys, she will be back with the name Lucifer Violet." Lisanna says.

"You may all leave but don't tell anyone."

"Ok Master." They all said and leave.

Natsu's pov

I am now at the bar Happy beside me eating some fish. When Lisanna, Erza, Mirajane, Wendy, Juvia, Levy, Gray and Gajeel come to me.

"Hey g-" I am cut off with a slap from Wendy.

"It's because of you." She said with a scary tone that gave me chills. Wendy never act like this.

"What are you talking about?" Now everyone is looking at us. They didn't answer and start attacking me

I am now all cover in bruise. I am going to say something and suddenly I only see black.

Lucy's pov.

I'm walking to the train station quietly. I'm gonna train to be stronger fairy tail. You're gonna pay for what you've done.


Hey minna!!!!

How was it? Was it good or bad? Well I just hope your answer is good. Again sorry for the wrong spellings and grammars.


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