Chapter 2: Missing

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Liam's POV

Jogging through the camp, I head on over to Ryan and Tyler. Ryan had his usual batman cosplay on which he insisted was his real identity, and Tyler had a black and red checkered hoodie, the same style of the one that Mitch wore and straight dark blue jeans, with his usual black, square rimmed glasses perched on his nose.

"Hey guys, have you seen Mitch anywhere?" I ask, coming to a stop nearby. "Nope. Might be in another minigame. You know, the new Sky games Sky brought out. They suck. I suck at them." Tyler huffs. He was always complaining about how bad he was at everything. "I'm always the first to die!" he continues to whine. "Oh yeah? Sky always hunts me down to just to hear me say my last words in a Morgan Freeman voice!" Ryan sighs, tugging his cape off his arm. "You just need to practise." I chuckle, coming to sit next to them.

"Hey guys" Ashley greets us from behind, walking in with her grey and red checkered hoodie and short light blue denim shorts. Everyone knew she had a massive crush on Tyler, and sure enough she went to sit next to him. "Hey Ashley" he grins, and she smiles back, bending over slightly towards the warmth of the fire. She runs her hand through her thick brown hair, and sighs tiredly. "What's up, Ashley?" Ryan asks, snatching a glance at Tyler. "Just tired. Been playing too many survival games lately. I won the last one, though" she points out proudly. 

"Seriously? Why is everyone better than me?" Tyler huffs and she laughs. "I could be your partner for the next ones" she suggests. "OOOH!" Ryan and I coo, and they both blush. "Sure, that would be awesome." he grins. "Cool! Come stop by when you want to play them, I'm gonna go have a nap. See you Tyler, Ryan, Liam." She waves goodbye and disappears into the trees. As soon as she is out of earshot, Ryan and I burst out laughing, cooing and nudging him. "Looks like you got a girlfriend!" I grin.

"No! We're not going out, we're just partners now apparently" he laughs. "Do you like her?" Ryan asks eagerly. "No! Well, maybe a little..." he admits, going red again. "And she likes you! So now you are going out!" I announce and we burst into applause. 

"What's all this noise about?" Sky's voice drifts through the trees. He walks through, his arm wrapped firmly around Deadlox's waist, making us all coo again. "Tyler is going out with Ashley! Ryan blurts out, despite Tyler's attempts of muffling his mouth. "Like no one saw that coming!" Deadlox laughs, sitting down on the opposite side of the fire together. 

Sky stares at me. "Hey Liam, where's Mitch? And Jerome?" he asks. "I don't know. I've been looking for them, but I can't find them. Isn't he doing a minigame?" I frown, and he shakes his head. "Maybe he's mining or something. Making some new tools." he says doubtfully. "Maybe..." I agree, still anxious. I hadn't seen Mitch all day, and I was starting to worry. 

"Don't worry about it. He's probably off on some quest with Jerome or something" Deadlox smiles, snuggling into Sky's arms. Doubt began to cloud my thoughts as I murmur a dull agreement. Without telling me? Why would he leave without saying something first? There was something not right about this. I didn't know what, but I felt really edgy. Was I just being paranoid or did something seem to be out of place?

"I'm just gonna go check in the house again" I smile assuredly, standing up and leaving abruptly. Jogging through the trees, the small seed of worry was blossoming. Where could he be? If he wasn't doing a minigame he had to be at home. Right? And Jerome too. Where was he? Were they having some sort of adventure without me? 

I finally reach the newly built house that Mitch and I lived in. Jerome moved into our old house so that Mitch and I could live our newly married life in there. We still hadn't decided the date for the marriage, so we were still engaged. I glimpse down at the gleaming diamond sword ring, smiling to myself happily. 

Throwing open the door violently, I call out his name. "Mitch?" There's no answer. "Mitch? Jerome?" I call out again. Still no answer. Sighing, I go through every room, every little corner in case they were playing some stupid game of hide and seek. But when I find nothing, I begin to get a little scared.

Then I slap my forehead-of course! They would be at Jerome's house. Leaving quickly, I sprint down to the house, eager to satisfy my doubts. Knocking on the door, there is no reply. The door is locked, but one of the windows is open. Crawling inside, I think how stupid I will look if they are actually here and they see me crawling in through Jerome's window like a criminal.

I check the living room. There are coffee mugs on the table. Placing my hands on them, I smile slightly. They were still luke warm. Going into the kitchen, the kettle is also still quite hot. Certain that they would be around here somewhere, I go upstairs, sprinting two steps at a time. Throwing open the bedroom door, my eyes catch the axe, Betty, now replaced back to its original place on the wall. My eyes flicker down to the bed. I frown. 

There's a note on the bed. Hurrying over, I pick it up and read it.

To Liam,

You've stolen my boyfriend away from me. You've been spending so much time with him, that I never get to see him. I want him, and so I've taken him away from you. You two will never get married, not while I'm in the way. You will never see him again, because he's mine.

From, Jerome

Jerome's POV

"...and then BOOM, I won the survival games!" Mitch laughs, throwing his arms in the air dramatically. I grin and laugh with him, trying not to look too suspicious. "Well, biggums, you definitely put him in the chopping block." I chuckle and he agrees enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm going to go see Liam. Haven't seen him for a few hours" Mitch smiles, getting up too rapidly for my liking. "Hey, cmon, I haven't seen you for ages! I'm sure he can wait another hour" I smile tightly, tugging him back down into his chair. He laughs at me, brushing my excuses aside. "We're going to be married soon Jerome, I have to spend time with him! Come with us, then" he smiles, brushing at his perfect fringe. 

Inside, I flinch. Sit around and see the happy couple? Watch them laugh and kiss and cuddle whilst I sit there, wishing it was me in his place? No thank you! "Please" I beg. "Fine" he laughs, pulling me in for a hug. I snuggle into him, smiling smugly. I wanted to be with Mitch forever. I loved him, for gods sake! Why did he have to be with Liam? I had been his best friend for so long...

It made my blood boil to think that he would soon be marrying him.

Without thinking, I suddenly grab the axe of the wall. I couldn't allow it. Not at all. Mitch was MINE. And mine was what he has always been. No one else would get in my way. Not now, not ever.

Muttering apologies to the wide eyed Mitch, I clunk him hard on the head so that he is knocked unconcious. I kiss him lightly, savouring the feel of my lips on his skin, hoping there would be more soon. Cradling his unconcious body, I put him in a sack and write Liam a note. Sneering, I smear a little bit of blood that had dripped from Mitch's wound onto the bottom of the paper. I wish I could be there, to see the look of despair on his face when he realised his precious Mitch was gone.

My precious Mitch.

Note: Sorry for the short chapter and delayed update. Been a bit busy today :D

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