Chapter 24: The Survival Games: Planning and Preparation

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Note: Ah, the survival games. Brings back memories! But this time, it's a little different :D

Simon's POV

Everything was blurry. Spinning.


Did I eat too many jaffa cakes again?

But when I open my eyes, I see I am not alone. Lewis is next to me, clutching his head and groaning like he had a bad hangover. Was that it? Did we have a party last night or something? But then I realize people from Team Crafted are here, like Sky and Deadlox, Mitch and Liam, Husky and Tato, Jason and Ryan. SSundee and Ashley. Then people from our side of the island, Rythian and Zoey, Duncan and Hannah, Nilesy and Panda, Martyn and Toby, Sparkles and Parv, Turpz and William, Hat films, Kim, Sips and Sjin, and more.

Then I realize something even more disturbing.

Tia and Ridge are propped up against a wall, also wincing and trying to make sense of everything. Ryan and Robin are desperately trying to cling onto something so they don't fall down. Deamon and another girl with two other guys are frowning and looking around.

Where were we?

"Lewis?" Hannah whispers from beside him. I didn't see her there. "Where are we?" she whispers. "I don't know." Lewis whispers back, before clearing his throat. "Does anyone know where we are?" he asks. Most people shake their heads. "Yes" Tia croaks from her side of the room. "Where are we?" Trottimus from Hat films demands. "The survival games" Ridge whispers.

The room goes quiet for a moment.

"What the hell do you mean? You promised you weren't going to make us do anymore!" Kim shouts. "They aren't mine" Ridge groans, clutching his head. "Then who is doing this?" Minty whispers.

"I am."

A familiar voice drifts through the room and I recognize it as Mexxy's. Sure enough, the royal demigod in his fancy ass crown and clothes comes floating in, weird lizard green eyes darting almost excitedly around us all. I huff furiously, trying to stand, but the dizziness hits me again, and I sink back down, whining.

"You and your pathetic kind are beginning to annoy me. And you, Tia and your pathetic Ridgedog are beginning to get on my nerves, too. The deal is broken. I can harm your friends and families. So..." he grins widely, opening his arms out wide. "Welcome to my survival games!"

Another silence fills the room.

"You have a full day to plan, and then the fun begins. Tommorow, when the sun reaches midday, you will begin the game. I told you, the game is never over." he grins smugly, before disappearing through the wall.

"Oh God" Mitch groans, putting his head in his hands. "Another one" I whisper, shutting my eyes. Another game. Another killing fest. Another few weeks of pure and animalistic...slaughter. 

"This is all your fault!" Duncan hisses from across the room, pointing at Ridgedog. "This isn't my doing. He made a deal..." he says tiredly. "What kind of deal?" Sky snaps. "In return as Tia as his apprentice, you would all be protected. She was aloud to stay with us for most of the day but for 6 hours she had to go to his castle. Anyway, he broke the promise and tried to hold her captive until I broke in and got her out" he sighs, putting his arm around the seemingly shell shocked girl.

"You are a demigod! You'll kill us all!" 

"This isn't fair!"

"We haven't even done anything!"

"Get us out of this!"

The accusations were being fired from all sides, and I clamped my hands over my ears. Stop, stop stop, STOP, STOP, STOP!

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