Chapter 19: The Devil's right hand

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Note: Time to resolve the cliffhanger...who or what was behind the door? Let's find out...

Mitch's POV

The door opens loudly, and we pause when we see the waiting figure.

"Oh hello. Fancy seeing you here" the bacca says with a cocky grin. He was dressed in clothes that didn't seem to suit him. He had the same style of attire that Mexxy wore, only the colour was not a royal blue, it was a deep rich purple satin. It draped along the floor as he walked towards us, and had golden edges where the golden buttons were. He had a black jacket on, black jeans and black riding boots. He looked like a magician, or a powerful mage. 

"Jerome, what the hell are you doing here?" I snap, shivering away from the bacca's gaze. "Oh, this is my kingdom now. I rule this place" he smiles, stopping on front of us, tilting his gaze curiously. Liam was shaking beside me, rage in his eyes. Jerome glanced at Liam and his smirk grew. Liam darted forward to attack him but I held him back. Now was not the time for violence-it was the time for answers. 

"What do you mean you rule this place?" Tia asks curiously. "Oh, Mexxy promised it to me if I helped him" he smiles, glancing at me. "That doesn't make any sense" Tia disagrees and Jerome frowns over at her. "Oh yeah?" he challenges. "Mexxy doesn't need your help at all, he could of done all that without you" Tia protests, looking at him uncertainly. "What's the real reason?"

"Ah Tia, clever as always" a voice chuckles. Appearing round the door is a man, this time in blood red coat (were they trying to make a rainbow?) with silver buttons. He was quite handsome, with short brown hair and turquoise eyes that lazily moved around the room. The spurs on his brown boots clink as he walks, and the golden belt buckle catches my eye as it gleams. It was in the shape of a V, which I guessed stood for Voxeltopia. 

"Who are you?" Tia asks fiercely. "How rude of me, I apologise" the man chuckles, not stopping until he stood in front of Tia who looked like she wanted to step back. "Cisco is my name, Mexxy's deputy and best friend" he smirks, grabbing her hand and kissing it gently. Tia pulls a face and tries to take her hand away but he clings onto it, staring at her. "So this is the dog's girlfriend, hm? So glad to finally meet you in person" he continues, letting her hand drop as he turns round. Tia quickly wipes her hand on her jacket, pulling another face which makes me want to laugh.

"So, princess" he says, his back to us. Tia bristles at the word. "How far are you willing to go to rescue your precious Ridgedog?" he smiles as he turns round, waiting patiently for her answer. "Far enough" she replies. "Are you sure he's worth it?" he smirks. "He's worth everything and more!" she snarls, stepping forward. The man is a head taller than her so he smirks down at her into her angry eyes.

I didn't notice when Jerome snuck up towards me and hugged me suddenly. I push him away violently and he grins at me. "Aw Mitch, don't be like that!" he laughs. Cisco stops his smirking to glare at the bacca. "Do not forget your position here and what you have been told to do" he snaps. Jerome scowls and backs away, nudging the floor with his feet.

Tia and Cisco go back to their staring contest, both of them trying to read each other's minds, but of course, failing.

Tia's POV

"Tell me why I am here" I say, not liking how close I was to this dangerous demigod. "Oh? Surely you've figured it out?" he smiled back. "I'm not in the mood for riddles." I snap. He tilts his head, his smile getting bigger. "You should be. But it doesn't matter anymore. The hard part is over..." he sighs, "unfortunately..." I narrow my eyes at him and he straightens up.

"I must talk with you alone" he announces loudly. Turning round, I motion for them to leave.

When the door has slammed shut, I turn back to Cisco.

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