Chapter 33: Happy ever after?

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Tia's POV

I hear a groan next to me, and I stir from my peaceful slumber. I squint at the clock beside my bed, my eyes widening.



"Ridge, wake up" I urge, rolling out of bed. He groans louder, and I stop to smile as he holds his head, wincing painfully.

"I've got the mother of all headaches, don't tell me to get up" he groans.

"We're going to miss the wedding, come on!" I laugh, stumbling into the bathroom to grab a cup of water and throw it onto his head.

It was the day after the party, and Liam had told me it was the perfect time to get married. At 10'O clock in the morning after a massive party that went on until 3 in the morning.

My brother had brilliant logic.

Of course he wasn't the only one. Sky and Deadlox would be getting married straight after. I sigh, brushing my teeth and smirking in the mirror when I see Ridge sit up, whimpering like a kicked puppy.

I wince suddenly when I feel a sharp kick to my stomach. I raise my eyebrow, looking down as I wash my mouth out. Two more months.

I hear a bang behind me, and splutter on the water as I spot Ridge stand up and promptly fall and faceplant onto the floor.

"Come on, let's wake the kids. We have to get them ready" I giggle, pausing, before striding over to him, picking up his arms and swinging him up. He stumbles, and I hug him briskly. I suddenly remember we were both without clothes, and I sigh as he tries to pull me onto the bed.

"We don't have time, come on! Liam's going to get married in...half an hour!" I sigh.

"It's a known fact that sex is a good cure for headaches" he mumbles into the sheets as I stand up.

"So is your sister because she is a healer. If you're not dressed in ten minutes I'll take my crown back" I smirk, before focusing on my body, imagining a bridesmaid dress. Within minutes one appears on me, and I pant, sweat running down my face. It still took a lot of practise to spawn things in...

I go down the corridor, bumping into Sepia and Ellis, who were both dressed in matching suits. "Guys, do you know where Ana is?" I ask, hugging both of them. They were like brothers to me, and were a part of our family now.

"Yeah, she's getting ready" Ellis nods sheepishly, going red. I raise my eyebrow.

"Well...when she's done, tell her to go to Ridge, because he has a hangover and he won't get out of bed" I sigh. Sepia laughs loudly, jogging the other way down the corridor, whilst Ellis goes to check on Ridge.

I finally reach the kids rooms to see Deamon in there, helping Ryan choose his clothes. "Did Ana heal your headache?" I ask, pausing to turn Robin around and blocking her from Deamon's view whilst I got her dressed in a white silk dress that flowed down to her heels and draped on the floor just the slightest. It was tied together with a black ribbon. She grinned, twirling round, and I finish it by putting a silvery glitter tiara on her head.

She was a princess, after all.

"Yeah, thank the gods" he sighs, and when I turn round, I coo at Ryan in his suit and tie, looking all fancy. I put a small crown that looked like Ridge's on his head and he smirks, looking at Deamon. "I'm a prince so I can command you" he grins. Deamon raises an eyebrow, mock punching him on the shoulder-it seemed Ryan and Robin had forgiven him for his actions in the survival games arena.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try" Deamon taunts, puffing his chest out. "Alright, children, calm down. Deamon, make sure they are at the chapel in ten minutes. I'll go get Ridge out of bed" I sigh, leaving quickly.

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