Chapter 13: On enemy lines

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Liam's POV

The light filtered through the canopy of spruce trees and onto me, showering me with warmth. It felt good just to relax, even with all the stress on my shoulders. Tia was literally going insane now, and had to be kept on an hourly watch to make sure she didn't fly off to find Voxeltopia. I knew I should be like that too, but the fact is I knew it wouldn't speed up the time it would take to go find Mitch. Staying calm was the best thing to do in this situation, and though I'd told that to Tia, she didn't listen.

"You look calm" a voice muses. I don't bother looking to the demigod king. "Have to be in situations like this" I mutter. "Indeed. Much calmer than your sister" he chuckles. My eyes finally flicker to Mexxy, his usual royal blue coat switched to a vivid red, encrusted with jewels and carried heavy gold buttons on one side. His gold crown was still perched onto his head, though it looked a little sloppy now, like he'd put it on in a hurry. Short white hair fluttered in the slight wind as his reptilian green eyes focus on mine. It was hard to believe that this man was my father.

"How is my daughter?" he asks, tilting his head with curiousity. "Coping" I mutter, though in truth she was teetering on the edge. "You're a bad liar" he smiles, and I just grunt in reply. "Mitch misses you." he continues, and I focus on his shoes that float around me. "He wants you to come and rescue him" he snickers. "What's so funny?" I say fiercely. "To think you all think you can get past my defenses...almost hysterical" he grins. 

"We'll manage" I say gruffly and he shakes his head. "Even if you did manage to get in, it would be too late...I have plans for them all. I'm afraid this game is far from over." His voice carries away with the wind and when I look to where he had been floating he was gone.

Sighing, I stumble to my legs, stretching hard and groaning when my bones crack. Heading back to camp, I see Tia sat next to the burnt out fire, the smouldering smoke still billowing out into the breeze. Her hands are clasping her legs, and she looks like she's about to have a nervous break down. I sit next to her, and for a while we sit in silence.

"How you doing?" I ask quietly. She grunts in reply, staring at the ashy remains of the fire. "We'll find them, you know we will" I smile, putting an arm on her shoulder. She just continues to stare into the smoke like she was in a trance. "Mexxy came a few minutes ago" I sigh, and her head snaps to me. "What did he say?" she says, her voice mechanical like she had no emotion left, but I knew better-she was fighting hard to push her emotions away so she could focus.

"Said there was no way we could get in. And that he had plans for them" I say, patting her on the shoulder.

Something shifted in her eyes. All at once, all the emotion flooded back into her eyes. "Oh screw this!" she snarls. She stands up briskly and suddenly takes off into the sky like a rocket. "TIA!" I scream. Where was she going? There was no way she was going to go to Voxeltopia by herself?

Running, I find Deamon sat on a log. "Deamon, Tia's gone to Voxeltopia" I pant. Everyone looks up and everyone bursts into action. "How can we get there?" I ask Deamon who freezes. "I...I can't fly" he whispers.

There was nothing we could do.

Tia's POV

I'd had enough of this. Just sitting around doing nothing. We had to do something. Anything! My frickin children and boyfriend were just sat in their cells being tortured and I was doing nothing. It was time to show Mexxy that I was not to be messed with. He'd messed around with my life too much and he'd gone too far.

Voxeltopia castle pulls into view, and I fly up to it. Three quart god guards head over to me, and I unsheath my red matter katar, stabbing them in the heart, and watching out of the corner of my eye as they drop down into the clouds below. I head over to the castle, smashing through one of the walls. Screw house insurance-he could repair it. 

Five guards, demigods, run towards me. It was a bloody battle, but soon they're all unconcious. By now, I'm covered in blood, but I didn't care. I explore the rooms of the castle. It was a huge castle, and well designed, but I wasn't in the mood to take the tour. I could still see some of Ridgedog's personal designs everywhere, like the type of chandelure he liked, and his favourite block was everywhere. A pang of sadness made my heart flutter a little painfully, but I brush it aside when a girl appears.

"You're Tia aren't you?" she says quietly. I don't say anything, because I can sense the magical ability in the girl. I just walk past her. "Stop. Mexxy is through there" she warns and I turn to her. "Don't say a word to anyone, but I'm Ridgedog's sister, Anastatia" she smiles. I narrow my eyes at her. "How can I trust you?" I snap. "Because you should. I have no way of proving this since I'm working under cover at the moment. Be careful is my warning" she says before she darts back into the room, yelling. I take off after her, ignoring the mass of demigods and quart gods in the giant ball room, along with Mexxy, sat smirking in his throne. 

Ten demigods practically throw themselves at me, and I snarl as I stab them over and over again. I was pushed to the floor by a mob, but I fight my way through them, ignoring all the stabs of red matter knives. I had made sure I wore a dark matter chestplate under my top so that my stomach and back were protected, and so was my unborn child. My arms began to ache from all of the cuts, and the blood loss was making the room spin, but I finally fight my way through the mob, heading straight to Mexxy who regards me coolly from his throne. 

"Take one more step and Ridgedog is no more" he says calmly, showing me a screen in his hand. In it is Ridge, bound up and Robin and Ryan sat by his sides. I freeze, trembling all over. I was surrounded by about 50 demigods. At least if I got caught, I could be with Ridge and my children...

"You are very powerful" he muses, rising from his throne. "But not powerful enough" he chuckles. He glides towards me. "Want to see your Ridgedog?" he asks, and I nod vigourously. "Tough" he grins, and I spit at him. He narrows his eyes and grabs my hair, so I slam my katar into his chest. 

Good move, I think, watching the mob of around 50 demigods fully armed jump on me.

That's all I remember before everything goes black...

Sepia's POV

Tia's body is completely blocked within seconds. They back away after a minute and I don't even want to look at her body. Mexxy is panting, wrenching the red matter katar from his chest and throwing it with a clatter on the quartz floor and he curses loudly. He orders the soldiers to take her body somewhere and they walk off, carrying her limply like she was a piece of rubbish about to be put in the dust bin.

"Are you alright, your highness?" Ellis asks. "No. Piss off somewhere" he snarls, groaning as he holds his injured chest. 

We leave, and head straight to Ridgedog's dungeon. "What happened? We heard shouting..." Mitch says. They all looked a lot healthier since we fed them and gave them potions. "Tia came to Voxeltopia. Alone" I say and Ridge's head snaps up. "What?" he whispers, eyes wide. "Broke in, killed three quart gods, injured about 15. Stabbed Mexxy in the chest." I say, kneeling down. "Then what?" he asks, with a small smile flickering onto his cheeks. "About 50 demigods attacked her at once. She didn't stand a chance" Ellis whispers. Ridgedog's smile fades and his lips begin to tremble. 

He shuts his eyes and looks down. Robin and Ryan just look confused. "I'm sorry. I don't think she made it" I whisper. 

It was at that moment that we heard a massive explosion from the other side of the castle. 

The ground shuddered under our feet and I fell over. My walkie talkie began to crackle and Mexxy's hoarse voice speaks loud and clear into the microphone. "Sepia, Ellis, report to the other side of the castle, Tia has escaped, I repeat, Tia has escaped." With that, the microphone went dead.

Ridgedog's face broke into a relieved grin and he began to laugh quietly. "I knew she wouldn't just give up like that. I knew she'd have some sort of trick." he grins. 

Running over to the other side of the castle, we admire the massive crater in the wall, surrounded by knocked out bodies of demigods. Ellis and I grin at each other-the rebellion was starting.

Note: Sorry again about the short chapter :D Just really want to get to the action! Also, this story will probably be a lot shorter than the last one, maybe only 25 chapters? Not sure...anywho, thank you for reading and all votes and comments are appreciated :D

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