Chapter 21: Miss me?

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Note: ;) Ah, this is my favourite chapter! :D

Tia's POV

The door begins to open and my heart begins to pound as it opens and reveals...

Deamon, Robin and Ryan walk in, looking determined. I face palm. They took their time!

Note: Oh God I'm laughing xD I'M NOT SORRY

"You took your bloody time" I sigh. They are followed by Sips, looking weird in his suit, Sjin in normal clothes for once, not his farmer suit, Ryan in his usual batman cosplay, Tato in his Mitch look-alike red checkered hoodie and green glasses, and Ashley in her blue top and jeans. They march in like an army, and above them Anastatia, Ellis and Sepia float, looking determined. 

"Got caught up on the way" Deamon grunts. I look at Mexxy with a glare. 

Mexxy just raised his eyebrow and grinned mischeviously. 


At the sound of that voice I freeze. I feel like my blood has stopped pumping through my body. The smallest hints of a smile raise onto my cheeks as I turn round.

That smug, cocky grin sat on his face like it had never been wiped off.

"Did you miss me?" he grinned.

That cheeky ba-

I ran towards him, bowling him over. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me so tight I could barely breath, and I returned the favour. "DAD!" Robin and Ryan both yelled at the same time, and I could hear their feet pattering across the tiles. But I didn't care. All I could think about was the person I was lying on, the person hugging me. Ridgedog, Ridge was here, I'd found him, I'd found him!

"Hey kids" he chuckled, reaching out an arm to pull them in. Finally. Finally the family was back together again...

Without realizing it, tears were falling down my face as I burrowed my face into his neck, letting a little sob escape. He leaned his head on mine, sighing with what sounded like relief.

"You could of sent me a post card" he sighs, and I can almost sense the grin on his face. "No post offices" I sniff, wiping my eyes and smiling at him. He grins back, pulling me in for a kiss. 

The world appeared to stop, and time appeared to freeze. I'd been waiting for this moment for a long time. And it was finally here. I smiled into this kiss, latching one arm around his neck and running one hand through his hair, making sure he was still here. He pulled me in by my waist, gently stroking my cheek with his hand. 

And for a moment I forgot about who was watching us.

And I forgot about all the bad things he had done.

And I forgot that I was supposed to be mad at him for betraying me.

A small, polite cough broke through the bubble, and we parted, panting a little. Leaning his head on my forehead, he sighs, content. "I've missed you" he whispers. "I've missed you too" I smile, wrapping my arms around him. 

"So adorable" Mexxy says sarcastically, but I don't bother to snap back. He was just trying to ruin this moment, this perfect-

"So. This deal then" he says impatiently. I sigh, gritting my teeth until Ridge softly whispers in my ear, "We've got all night to do this" before pulling away and winking at me. I roll my eyes. He had a one track mind.

"Do you know about the deal?" I ask, keeping my body and face close to his. "Yeah, he told me" he sighs, before looking at me with pleading eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks, begging me not to with his eyes. For a few seconds I stare at his eyes, the ones I've missed so much, the ones I'd taken for granted until they had gone, before I realize he had asked a question and was waiting for an answer. I blink a bit and open my mouth to reply, but Mexxy butts in. Rude.

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