Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Shaelynn's Point of View

The sheet was ripped off my face as my kidnappers threw me down onto the floor. The two men who had brought me inside cheered to themselves, and budded bellies. I rolled my eyes as they stumbled to gain their balance.

I searched my surroundings for a way out, or even a weapon, but I didn't find a thing. Literally. It was an empty room with nothing inside; only a small, peculiar bird cage in the corner. The door was made of rusty bars held together, like how you would think a jail door would look like.

I must be in a dungeon or something.

I crawled away the farthest I could to the corner of the cramped room, and hugged myself. Danny had fooled me after all. Peter was right.

Well now I have no way out of Neverland, and I'm stuck here. Peter surely has no idea that I've been captured and will probably assume I managed to leave. If he even cares.

I put my hands to my face and tried to keep myself constrained.

I heard one of the pirates laugh. "The poor girly is cryin' 'cus she been outsmarted, eh?" I peeked through my fingers to see a smirk on his stubble face.

The other skinnier pirate nudged his partner in a howl of laughter. "We sure bested her!"

The barred door flew opened and the pirates straightened to a halt. In came waltzing a man dressed in maroon attire, stroking his frizzled beard with his Hook, which replaced his hand. Captain Hook.

I peered up at him as he stood over me, flinching when he tried to come closer. He merely grinned as a response. "Little May. What a pleasant surprise."

I didn't know whether to be glad or dissappointed that it was Hook and not Danny that had entered. I didn't wish to see the boy who was responsable for locking me up to Hook, but Hook sure was frightening.

"Please. . .Rise." The Captain muttered, as he put his hook to my chin and forced me to stand. "There you are."

I squeezed my lips together in a frown as my eyes followed the hook that was carressing my face menicingly. "What are you going to do to me?"

The captain made a sly smile, showing a wide set of rotten teeth. Then he began pacing the cluttered room slowly. "Why May, don't be so frightened! For all you know, I could be the good man and your precious little Pan could be the evil one. . ."

The other pirates burst into a fit of giggles as Hook mocked my words from before. "Good one, Cap'!"

I sighed, remembering when I had blurted that to Peter Pan. How had Captain Hook known what happened?

"I see that look, my dear. You're rather confused, aren't you?" He raised his eyebrow. "Well I'll tell you this; I have my ways of communication."

He halted his pacing, and held his hand out to the pirates. They shook nervously, and one of them rushed to fetch what the captain was asking for. He soon came back with a glittering jar in his hand, which he gingerly placed into Hook's hand.

"There you are my friend. Meet your new cellmate." Hook informed, ripping the lid off and dumping the contents into the bird cage. Or should I say, fairy cage.

Tinkerbell fell flat on her butt into the cage with a blushed, angry snarl. She crossed her arms and snubbed everyone in the room.

If Captain Hook felt the need to capture Tinkerbell and I, than he's probably planning to use us against Peter. My suspicions were aimed at using us to draw Peter Pan into some trap.

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