Chapter 3: Dungeon

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Here's the 3rd chapter! Heres what that group asked for...Thanks to you, you know who you are ;3 (COUGHzeepaard10COUGH) =^•^=

Mia and Sinbad stood at the doors of the dungeon. "Stay close ok?" Mia nodded and followed him into the dungeon. When a piercing white light appeared Mia grabbed onto Sinbad's sleeve tightly. She opened her eyes to see a ball spinning with gold lights shooting out in places and suddenly they were in the dungeon. "Geez does it have to be so bright?" Mia complained rubbing her eyes. Sinbad chuckled and looked toward the light his eyes widening. "So this is a dungeon" Sinbad said excitedly. Mia ran after Sinbad following the sounds of voices and roaring. Sinbad had already made it down to the edge and Mia dropped down running up to the two males. Mia stopped running when the green haired man came into sight and stared. Sinbad looked at Mia and she slowly walked behind him staring at the man. It wasn't long and he was blabbing about some nonsense or to be specific a ridiculously long name. "Let's shorten it to Drakon" Sinbad said pointing at him. Mia nodded in agreement behind him. Drakon gave an angry face and began wrestling Sinbad while Mia watched silently with a 'Really?' Face. "Ladies, ladies. I know you're both having a bitch fit but I think our lives are more important" Mia said pointing at a dragon passing overhead. Sinbad pulled Mia into a cave Drakon following behind. "Can we get out alive AND in one piece?" Mia asked staring at the sky.

"Yep" Sinbad said. Mia followed them through ledges and caves. Sinbad helping her along the way and always fighting with Drakon the bickering never ending. "Could you both SHUT UP?! I'm getting a headache" Mia hissed in anger. Both shut up quick afraid to anger her anymore. When they reached the dragon Sinbad made a comment. "It eats the ones it doesn't like...just like the parthevian" Sinbad commented. "That's a burn" Mia said making them look at her weirdly. "Ok look. I went through a glowing door and ended up here and I am NOT dealing with your judging bullshit today so stop looking at me like an owl and pay attention before I shove both of you down that dragons throat" Mia glared. Both Sinbad and Drakon scooted far from her sweating. "That woman scares me" Drakon commented Sinbad nodding in response. Mia rolled her eyes and watched Drakon leave. Wasn't to long later she found him whining about how scared he was and that he deserves to die. Sinbad had gave him a mini speech and left taking his shield. Mia sighed and looked at Drakon. "He's right ya know? Feeling fear, emotion, means you're human" Mia said her arms crossed. Drakon looked at her with wide eyes. "Don't give me them owl eyes again or else I'll gouge them out of that brainless head of yours" Mia huffed making Drakon sweatdrop. Mia watched Sinbad surfboard on the geysers and strike the gigantic dragon in the head with his fathers sword.

Sinbad appeared with a green orb in his hand and gave Drakon the other and they put it in the door making it open revealing blinding white light that irritated Mia so bad. She opened her eyes to see a empty void with a castle-like-tower in front of them. Mia walked in with Sinbad and began to poke around tapping and brushing her fingers against stone objects. Sinbad was about to say something while touching a lamp when it glowed with a symbol making everything light up and change into gold and silver rich people material as Mia called it surrounded them. A blue giant was staring at them with an intimidating look. "I'm the great warrior Baal now who wants to be king" His deep voice echoed making Mia shiver. 'Who wants to be king? What is this hand out a king application ceremony?' Mia thought while raising an eyebrow. (Give me a break I know he doesn't say just that but I'm tired I fixed up the kitchen and then I haven't seen that damn episode in a while ok!?) "I do!" Both Sinbad and Drakon said in unison making Mia facepalm. "Hmm you must settle who is to be my master" Baal sais making Mia step back and sit on some steps. Mia watched as both boys brawled throwing punches and yelling about what they want the power for. making her look away.

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