Chapter 18:Farewell

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"No miaaaa! 😢😢😢" ~ Myrto15


"I should have known." The goddess muttered. "Known what?" Ja'far asked. "Her soul was ripped in half long ago. I can't explain it now being that other half must have affected her with being this close to a stronger part of her soul." The goddess began. "I'm devouring her half because a deity's soul is far more stronger than most souls and my soul is only half. It's consuming her to become whole." Ja'far choked as Mystras's jaw dropped. Sinbad stayed silent, staring at Mia. "So that means you and Mia...?" Sakura trailed, fluttering near Mystras. "Yes we are one of the same. She still has her original body, I was strayed far from her." The goddess nodded.

Everyone looked at Mia silently, she hadn't move in a day and she was growing pale. Sinbad began to worry more and more with every passing hour. Akira and Sakura left to get some sleep, tired from staying up for so long. "I never knew." Ja'far muttered, still processing information. "I apologize, I'm sure she didn't want you to find out this way." The goddess looked over at Mia softly. Ja'far nodded and decides he and Mystras should leave Sinbad alone to talk with the goddess. Once they left, a heavy silence fell between Sinbad and the goddess. "You're wondering if I can save her, correct?" He nodded slowly. "I can." She sat on the bed carefully. "It's risky but I can attempt to rejoin with her. She can live healthy once more. Well, healthier." "Please. Save her." He pleaded, pain in his eyes. "I will do my best..." The goddess nodded. "We'll have to do it tonight, tomorrow is the full moon." The goddess sat down.

"What happens on the full moon?" He asked. "The island relocates to a different place to keep from being indangered." He nodded. "I see." He finally replied. "Would you mind helping me prepare? I need to make sure nothing goes wrong. She'll fall seriously ill if you do not calm her fevers or keep her from harming herself in the process, it's very painful to accept a piece you lived so long without. Especially in her weak condition." Sinbad nodded eagerly, prepared to do anything.


Sinbad laid Mia gently into the shallow, squared makeshift bath, a new thin and short white dress sticking to her skin. He stood back as the goddess laid a few more herbs into the transparent green water. They stood in a room surrounded by mosaics of nature. Two of which pictured life and death. He watched Mia's eyebrows furrow, a movement that sparked hope into his heart. "She's absorbing the herbs, they're allowing her soul to open up. I can access it easier this way. However, black rukh with try to taint it. It's up to you to make sure that doesn't happen." She pressed both of her hands against the top of her chest. He nodded, understanding her instructions. Mia began to move in distress. "It's time." The goddess whispered, sinking to her knees and slowly pulling her hands away. White strings of light attached to the tips of her fingers. Her expression turned pained and she slowly pulled an orb of light out from her chest. His eyes fell lifeless as she pushed the orb towards Mia's chest, it disappeared as her hands laid against Mia. The goddess laid against the side of the bath and smiled softly at Sinbad. "Take care of her for me." She closed her eyes, the smile never faltering as her body began to glow. Like glass, her body shattered into tiny pieces of light.

He watched in awe as the pieces reformed into strings of light, going into Mia. The strings were weaving her soul back together, becoming one. The white rukh fluttered around them, repelling any black rukh. Mia began to struggle against the strings. He quickly held her down and soothed her with gentle words. The light vanished painfully slow as Mia began coughing. "A fever." He muttered, quickly grabbing a cloth from the wooden bucket and wringed it out, placing it on her forehead. Finally all the light completely vanished, causing Mia to jolt awake. Sinbad helped her sit up, the cloth falling into the water. He rubbed her back as she took deep breaths. "Sin?" She whispered weakly, looking at him softly. "Woah!" He caught her before she fell back, cradling her with one arm supporting her back.

"Take it easy, you just got...your soul? Back." He tried to explain. Mia smiled weakly. "You're horrible at explaining this." She whispered. "Sorry." He grinned. They sat there, staring into one another's eyes. Mia placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you." Sinbad laid his hand over hers a loving smile spreading on his face. "I love you too." Mia teared up at his words but wiped them away before they fell. "I feel a little light-headed. I probably should get some rest." She smiled weakly. He nodded in agreement.


Mia smiled as Hunter searched her up and down for any serious injuries. "Hunter, I told you I'm fine." Mia laughed. "I will you break it to them?" Hunter asked, looking up at Mia. "Well...." "Mia! C'mon let's go!!" Akira's excited voice shouted. "I'll be right there!" Mia shouted back. "Alright, let's go Hunter." Mia smiled, petting the djinn. "Yes ma'am." Hunter disappeared back into the crescent moon and Mia stood up.

She ran down to the docks where they all waited. "Sorry, I was saying goodbye to the children." Mia smiled fakely. They all loaded onto the ship, settling into their places.


"Hey, has anyone seen Mia?" Sinbad looked up from his spot. "She should be in our room." Ja'far shook his head. "I checked. She's not in the storage room or kitchen either." Everyone stared at each other and kicked it into high gear, rushing around the ship. They searched high and low for Mia. "I can't find her!" Akira cried. "It's okay Akira." Sakura soothed her friend.

Sinbad stared at the scroll laying on the bed. He slowly lifted it up and unrolled it, revealing a letter.

Dear Sinbad,

By the time you find this it's already too late to chase after me. The stars are in the sky with the moon. The island has already moved. I'm sorry I couldn't say this to your face. I knew you would never allow me to go back. Not without a fight. I can't keep you from your journey, so please...

Don't look for me. I'm not sure if we'll ever see each other again with the island constantly moving. However, the people here need me. I'm their protector and leader. You can understand, I'm sure. I will raise one of the wolf children to take my place. Though they will not have the same power as me.

Sinbad dropped the scroll, running out onto deck. Trying to jump overboard to go after Mia.

It pains me to leave everyone like this. Especially you. I was always use to being alone. Hunter was my only companion, social interaction was out of the question though. Then I met you, Sinbad. A boy who vowed to become king and unite all of the world. The first to conquer a dungeon. At first I thought you were stupid and insane. You weren't either. You are the most extraordinary person I've ever met. I fell in love without realizing it. My heart wouldn't let me lie to myself. Your presence made me feel nervous and excited.

Small drops of tears had wetten spots of the parchment.

I was afraid. Afraid of loving again. I tried to only see you as a womanizing pervert. I tried so hard, but I failed. I fell for you more and more. Eventually we both gave in. Maybe it was just me. I'll never really know now... I'm sorry. If you could, please tell everyone I said I'm sorry.

"Sin! Stop damn it!" Ja'far shouted, holding Sinbad back.

I love you. More than you'll ever know.

"We have to go back!" Sinbad shouted, pulling against Mystras and Ja'far who held him back by his arms. Angry tears trying to build in his eyes.

Goodbye, Sinbad.


Did anyone cry? I hope not ;-; I know I had a hard time writing this chapter myself. Speaking of which, we're reaching the end of the story. It's been a long journey for us hasn't it? Well that aside I'll see you guys next chapter! Again sorry for the heart wrenching chapter. The song was pretty fitting though...



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