Christmas Chapter Special

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All I Want For Christmas - Mariah Carey

•Mia's POV•

I shivered at the chilly air, rubbing my arms. "It's pretty cold out." I heard Ja'far say as he and the group walked out. "That's because it's winter." I replied. Now that I'm mentioning it, it should be close to Christmas. "With how cold it is I'm guessing it's December." I looked at the grey sky. "December?" I heard Sinbad question. "Oh right, you probably have no idea what Christmas is." I laughed as Sinbad looked highly confused. "What's...Christmas?" Ja'far asked as Rurumu looked deep in thought. "Well simply, it's a holiday celebrating when Jesus-" I stopped myself. "You know what that's a whole nother thing I'd rather not explain. Basically people give each other presents, excluding all the details." I'm afraid to mention 'Santa'. They seem to get a better understanding of what I was talking about. "Mia, please enlighten me on Christmas!" Rurumu smiled sweetly. "Alright, prepare for a lot of explaining." I sighed.


I sat back in my chair as Rurumu began thinking, the others seemed to be impressed by the holiday. "We should get a Christmas tree." Rurumu decided. I laughed as Hinahoho sighed and began preparing for work. I stood up and began searching for the materials for making ornaments. Sinbad followed me like a lost puppy until I finally sat down. I did my best to ignore his watchful stare as I began making a fake ornament. "Are those ornaments?" I heard him ask. "They're hand-made ones." I replied. "You always make these?" He asked. "I use to always make them at home for the tree. Anything I wanted to make was on the tree." I answered, beginning to sew. "My boss use to joke about having her lover as a present under her tree." I smiled at the thought. "That's amusing." He chuckled. "That's not the worst part." I stopped and looked at Sinbad. "What was it?" He asked, sitting up with genuine curiosity. I looked back at the ornament and giggled. "She...She wanted him wrapped in red ribbons, naked." I cracked up. "Your boss is quite the lady."

I laughed and stopped sewing before I ended up poking myself. "I'm sorry, I just remember her expression and I just can't help it!" I laughed loudly as Sinbad watched with an amused expression. I cleared my throat and returned to my sewing. "Anyway, any ideas for ornaments?" I pulled a bit of wool from the pile and stuffed the ornament before sewing it up. "Hmm." He took the ornament I handed him and inspected it while thinking. "Perhaps your sword? Or the djinn symbol?" I looked at him. "I like your ideas." He smiled. "Alright." I got to work, getting more ideas as I continued to create ornaments for the Christmas tree. I'm honestly surprised they took an interest in something they knew nothing about. I smiled when I finished up and asked Sinbad to help me carry them, laughing as he tried to carry a lot.

I decided we could all take turns decorating the tree, getting work done faster than expected. I found myself humming Christmas tunes to myself as I carefully placed the ornaments on the tree. "Watcha humming?" I heard Sinbad ask. "Christmas songs." I replied casually. "There's songs for Christmas?" Ja'far asked, probably amazed by how much effort goes into one holiday. "Mhm." I replied.

On the way down the hall I looked up just in time to see a mistletoe ahead, hanging from the doorway. "Someone must have gotten the mistletoe." I said aloud as Sinbad followed my stare. "I never did say what it was for did I?" I chuckled as Sinbad answered with a no. "When two people stand under it, they have to kiss each other." I explained. He got this look like he had a master plan. He grabbed my hand and led us under the mistletoe, a big smirk on his face. "I should have expected that." I muttered. He laughed at me. "Alright, come here." I sighed. He leaned down as I got closer. This is going to take forever, isn't it? I grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed his lips against mine. I pulled back and gave a smirk. "Merry Christmas pervert." I laughed at his face and ran for it while he yelled...


Hello! It's me, MoonFlowerGirl1! I apologize for being absent from this book for so long. I fell sick fir two weeks with real bad bronchitis. This cold weather has been bad for my weak immune system. ^-^; Exams came up just after I was beginning to clear up so I was busier than ever, especially with how much school I missed. ;-; I'm doing my best to get the next chapter up! Luckily I made it in time to post a Christmas special. I hope you can bear with me since it's Christmas I'm taking a small break and relaxing. I'll see you all in the next chapter! ^-^ Merry Christmas!!!

P.s. Thank you for all the support, it means the world to me that you enjoy my stories. Q^Q If you're interested I've got plenty more you can look at. Again, Merry Christmas everyone! :)



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