Chapter 19:Mia's Past

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"How could you............" ~GhostgirlLuminisa


Long ago, a young baby girl was given to a married couple in their early twenties. The biological parents had left the baby on the steps of a church, disappearing into the gentle night. They were never heard from or found. Only a small note stating:

Dear anyone,

Please take care of this child. Give her lots of love and care. Let her grow up in a simple life full of love and gratitude.

Next to the note was a large tag with the name "MIA" scribbled on it.

She was later adopted by said couple and as she grew they faced challenging problems.

"Ma! Look, look!" The small girl giggled, holding out her cupped hands. "What is it dear?" The woman asked softly. Her mother blinked in confusion as nothing was in the girl's little hands. "Oh my. And what is it...?" Her mother asked with a weak smile. "Uhm...a buttah fry!" Mia finally named as the word came back to her. "What a pretty little butterfly. Now, erm. Go release it..." Her mother quickly went back to her book. Mia frowned and sulked away to the outdoors.

As she grew the problems did too. Eventually her parents took her to a therapist hoping to fix Mia. Treating her like a broken record.

Mia leaned back in the cushion sofa, shyly looking around. "Hello miss Mia." The female therapist smiled. "I'm Ruth. I hear you're seeing things your parents can't?" Ruth smiled, lifting her clipboard. "They can't see the white animals?" Mia asked, tilting her head innocently. Ruth shook her head. "That's why we're here." Ruth replied. The conversation went on for hours until the therapist concluded a medicine.

Mia, at first, refused to digest such pills. The taste unbearable. She often would visit her companion in the backyard at night, talking about her life. This companion was an almost transparent white wolf. Eventually Mia could no longer see or hear the wolf as she began taking the medicine. However, the medication was not the one stopping her from seeing or hearing things, it was her believing she could no longer see them.

However, one morning she overheard a conversation.

"She's not insane!" Her mother hissed. "She's just a child with a creative imagination." The mother said nervously, as if trying to convince herself. "Please darling, not so loud. I do not want it to hear us." He muttered, sipping his coffee. "If it wasn't, then why is the medication for the insane working so well on it." He questioned. "I..." She stopped herself. "Mia! It's almost time for school!" Her mother quickly called. "Coming!" She yelled back. Ignoring the pill bottle on her desk she dressed quickly and rushed to her parents.

No one knew what would happen that morning until it was too late...

Mia hummed softly to herself as her mother watched the road sharply, like a hawk. "Dear, did you get any bills?" Her husband asked. "No." Her mother looked at him for a moment while Mia looked at the road ahead. Her eyes widened as a familiar animal stood in the middle. "WOLF!" Mia shouted in both excitement and worry. Her mother quickly swerved to the left, throwing the car off a small cliff. The last thing Mia heard was a scream and a faint sound of sirens.

When Mia awoke she was in a hospital.

Mia looked around weakly as beeping rung in her ears. She could hear doctors outside speaking. "Poor kid." One sighed. "What happened to the parents?" One asked. "Both dead. Only the girl lived." Mia clenched her hands into weak fists, the movement painful. Tears fell freely down her cheeks as pain began filling her mind and body. Evebtually she let out weak sovs, not caring if anyone heard her.

From there she was sent home, a family member watching over her.

Mia looked over at the bottle of pills on her desk, a dark thought creeping into her mind. Her hand unconsciously reached for the bottle and popped off the lid. She closed her eyes and diwn the entire bottle, the taste reminding her of her now dead parents. Eventually the family member found her in her bed, the pill bottle hanging from her hand. She was rushed to the ER.

She ran away from an orphanage she was put in, leaving to work for a store and living in an old house in the woods. She eventually met a stray dog.

Mia walked slowly in the rain with a cheap umbrella in hand. She stopped as whining caught her attention. She looked over to see a malnourished puppy with matted fur. It looked at her silently. "Wanna come home with me?" Mia offered, knowing it would bother with her anyway. The puppy got up and quickly ran to her, licking her ankle. "Oh alright..." Mia smiled in surprise. Picking up the puppy she made her way home.

In between her work and school she struggled to keep her mind off bad memories. She worked hard for everything, living up to be grateful.

Her life changed when she met the portal on that fateful day.


Sorry but the next chapter is the last! I decided to have one of the few chapters explain Mia's life. But two chapters in one day! Phew. If you have any questions for me I can do a special Q&A before the final chapter! I'd love to answer some questions!!!



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