Chapter 17:The Truth

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Featured Comment:
"Holy!... yeah that turned my thoughts around! If I was drinking something when I read it I probably would've spat it out in surprise! 👍👍" ~huntersmoon1


Mia's POV

I blinked slowly at the goddess, trying to process this entire situation. "Y-You're....I'm-What?" I removed her hands from my face and stood up. "It's abrupt, I know but you're growing to become an adult. The longer you go without this part of you the faster you die." I paused and looked at her serious expression. "Die?" I asked weakly. She nodded and slowly stood up. "Half of your soul was torn off. You're slowly becoming weaker. If this continues your body won't be able to hold on for long." Now that's she mentioning it, have I truly been weak all this time? I placed my hand over my heart. "How long until I die?" I whispered. "I....I'm not sure..." She responded grimly. "Dear god." I muttered. "I need time to process all this." I covered my mouth feeling nauseous at the idea of dying so soon. "I understand. I'll be preparing dinner soon. It's best if you tell them now before they find out the hard way." She rested her hand on my shoulder before turning and leaving. I took a shaky breath, she was right. I made my way back to the groul that sat around talking with the wolf children.

Sinbad stood up once he noticed me, his large smile soon faded seeing my face. I probably looked horrified, I know deep down I am. He walked up to me and pulled me into a warm hug. I covered my mouth once more, this time to hide any sounds. "C-Can..." I exhaled shakily and tried again. "Can we talk in private?" I asked in a soft whisper. "Of course." I grabbed his wrist and slowly led him outside under the stars. I let go of him and took a few steps ahead, staring ahead at the ocean. "What do we need to talk about?" He asked softly. I closed my eyes. "About me, what I've been hiding." I answered weakly. It felt like my heart was being squeezed, all my courage being drained from my body.

•3rd Person POV•

Sinbad narrowed his eyes in confusion, watching her silently. "I'm not....I'm not from this world. I figured you would have known by now." He smiled softly. "I had a feeling but this doesn't change anything." He frowned as she shook her head. "I'm not finished." She whispered. She hugged herself, gripping onto her sleeves tightly. She turned as a fair of wolf ears bounced up from her head, a matching tail following from under her skirt. She opened her eyes slowly, revealing two different colored ones. Her right eye was a bright green, darkening around the pupil. Her left was a dark brown. His eyes widened with surprise, the only sound was the gentle breeze flowing by. Tears rebuilt themselves in her eyes that glimmered with emotions. "I'm not human." She finally breathed, breaking the silence. "I'm so sorry." Her voice began to break as tears began their descent down her cheeks. "I should have told you before it went too far." Mia turned her head, breaking eye contact with him. "I'm sorry." She whispered before running off. Sinbad snapped out of his shock quickly. 'Mia! Wait!" He began to chase but a hand stopped him. "Sinbad dinner us ready, let's go!" Mystras smiled brightly. "Oh yeah, sure." Sinbad replied, staring at where Mia ran off. "Hey you okay?" Mystras asked. "Huh? Yeah! I'm fine. You go on ahead." Sinbad smiled. "Oh, Mia is with the goddess if you're wondering. I just saw her." Mystras pointed back behind him with his thumb. "Oh? Okay lead the way." Sinbad grinned.


"There, now you look at home." The goddess smiled as Mia patted down the dress, smoothing it. "Do I really have to wear this?" Mia muttered. The goddess chuckled. "It's comfy, is it not?" Mia ran her hand over the silky texture and sighed. "It is." The goddess smiled.

" The goddess smiled

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"Now, let's go eat." Mia took the goddess's hand and followed her to the table. She sat down next to the goddess, feeling eyes burn into her. Mystras blushed at Mia as Ja'far facepalmed. "You look lovely." Ja'far commented, smiling Mia's way. "Thank you Ja'far." She smiled back. "Right, Mystras." Ja'far elbowed Mystras. "R-Right! Very lovely." Mystras coughed, rubbing his side. "Beautiful, as always." Sinbad spoke up, a grin on his face. Mia blushed lightly and thanked him. "How do you like it here? I hope none of the children gave you any issues." The goddess smiled softly. "No ma'am. None at all." Ja'far spoke, obviously not trusting the others to speak. "Where are the other two girls, if I may ask?" Ja'far shook his head as Mystras rubbed the back of his neck. "Well they both ran off with the wolf children. So we kinda list them..." Mystras answered.

"I see." The goddess laughed. The night went on with chatting and laughter. After everyone finished and the dishes were being cleaned, Mia began walking down the hall to her room. She tensed as something wrapped around her hand, stopping her. Mia turned to see Sinbad with a serious expression. "Mia we need to talk about this." He said in a calm voice. She bit her lip and looked into his eyes shyly. "Sorry for being such a mess and running away..." He smiled softly and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. Mia I could never be upset with you. I don't care if you're not human or that you aren't from this world. I still love you, more than you'll ever know." He cupped her face, a gentle and sweet smile on his face. Mia sniffed and rubbed her teary eyes. "Stop being all soft you pervert." Sinbad's eyebrow twitched. "I love you too." She cried. Sinbad pressed his lips to hers, savoring the sweet moment.

"I need to talk with the goddess." Mia smiled. "Alright, but don't take too long." He smirked. "No, I want you to hear this. You deserve to know." She frowned. "What is it?" He tilted his head. "Well. It's-" She stopped as a dizzy feeling washed over her. "Mia?" He asked, grabbing her arms. The world began to blur for her as all strength drained itself from her body, allowing her to collapse in Sinbad's arms as he yelled her name.

The world vanished instantly as darkness covered her vision...

Cliffhangers, gotta love them. What do you think is happening? I'm curious to see how many paid attention to the story. See you all in the next chapter!



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