Chapter 11:Mia's Djinn Equip

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Hello my moonlets! I hope your excited to see her djinn equip!!!

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"This is not a healthy relationship." ~huntersmoon1

Mia sat on the boat listening to Sinbad argue with Akira as to why the three girls couldn't go. "But we can protect ourselves!" Akira shouted raising her hands. "Look Akira, I know you like exploring but going onto this island is highly dangerous and I'm not allowing any of you to get hurt" Sinbad frowned. "Bu-" Akira began until she was pushed sideways. "Look" Mia began. "Sinbad just go I'll watch them" Mia sighed running her temples. "Thank you Mia, we'll be back soon" Sinbad smiled softly kissing her forehead softy and walking off the boat. "Oooo" Akira giggled. "Yeah, yeah" Mia grumbled. "Hey, how come Sinbad is going all alone?" Akira asked. "The others have things to do other than exploring ya know?" Mia said. "Yeah but he should really have others in case something goes wrong" Akira frowned. (Foreshadowing!? :O dun dun DUUUUUUN) "I'm sure that pervert will be fine" Mia laughed patting Akira's head. "I'm telling Sinbad when he gets back. Hehehehehehehe" Akira giggled madly as she ran away.

"AKIRAAAAAA!" Mia yelled. Sakura sat on the railing watching the two run back and forth. Sakura giggled and looked up towards the island her expression turning serious. Dark clouds were slowly forming, the wind blowing fiercely. Mia stopped and looked at the sky. "Something's wrong.....all of you stay here!" Mia ordered and hopped off the boat. "What? OH COME ON!" Akira yelled. "Akira what good can we do?" Sakura said with a frown. "I'm gonna show you what we can do!" Akira huffed and began to jump off the boat. "A-Akira wait!" Sakura panicked. "Hurry up!"


"Damn it" Mia grumbled. "It's just like a maze" She huffed. "Where the hell is that womanizer?" She asked herself. "Womanizer? Really?" A familiar voice asked. Mia turned around to meet gold eyes. "Yeah, womanizer" Mia narrowed her eyes. "I thought I heard you" Sinbad said. "Don't think too much you might fry your brain" Mia joked. "Tell that to Rurumu" He sweatdropped. Mia laughed lightly at him. A sudden gust of wind broke the moment. "Geez it's so windy out here!" Mia yelled over the wind, trying to keep her own hair out of her eyes.

Sinbad pulled Mia close to him and began navigating through the forest. "Something's wrong" Mia said looking around. "You can tell it too?" Sinbad asked. "Yeah" Mia nodded. He frowned and looked toward the sky. "Something's going on" Mia said calmly. "How can you-!?" Sinbad shouted as lightning hit the ground. "This way" Mia said pushing through the bushes. Her hazel eyes were glazed over almost in a trance as she led Sinbad towards the source of the wild atmosphere. Within seconds she disappeared from his sight. "Mia? Mia!? MIA!" Sinbad shouted.

He pushed through the bushes, his eyes locking into the shadow consumed creature causing the storms. Black vines wrapped around Sinbad, trapping him. The shadowy creature got on all fours and started towards Sinbad. "Damn it!" He huffed as he pulled and tugged at the vines. A bright light zoomed past Sinbad, striking the beast. His eye's widened as the light formed a golden arrow. "What the..." He began. A girl similar to Mia stepped out from her cover and pointed her bow at the creature.

Creamy white colored hair flowing in the harsh wind, golden eyes shining with power. She wore a white cloth wrapped around her chest with gold metal on the rim of the top part. White cloth separated into two parts, pushed together by a golden curved belt. Black thigh high stockings and brown boots with fur. She wore white gloves that cut on in a triangle shape at her hands that reached to her shoulders, gold bands holding them down. A golden band levitated around her head a white moon cresent in the center.

One hand was holding a glowing arrow the other the midnight black bow that had tiny sparkles of stars splattered across it. Sinbad struggled to reach his sword while the strange girl fought the shadow monster. He grinned once he felt his fingers curl around the hilt. He jerked his hand up slicing the vines that held him down. Once he managed to free himself he rushed to the maidens side and finished off the monster. He sheathed his sword and turned to the girl. She began to fall forward, her eyes closing shut. Sinbad quickly caught her as the light evaporated off of her, Mia now unconscious and replacing the girl in his arms.

He sat down and laid her softly onto her back. Sinbad pushed her bangs out of her eyes and sighed. "You're always so reckless" He smiled softly. "Speak for yourself" Mia smiled, eyes still closed. "Tired?" He asked. "Very" Mia yawned. "I'll carry you back" Sinbad said as he picked her up bridal style. "Thanks" Mia said softly. She soon fell asleep in the sweet silence as Sinbad carried her back to the ship...

Man that's all the energy I have for today! I hope this makes up for the lack of updates! Bye my moonlets!



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