Chapter 14:Set Sailing

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Sorry for slow updates! I'm working between this book and my special 50 followers, plus no Wi-Fi yet! Speaking of followers. Thanks for the 66 Followers!!!! You're all amazing people <3!!!

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"OwO. Why? What happened in the timeskip?" ~ AsteriaNoir Chapter 13
(You innocent child.)

Mia settled into her chair as the boat began to sail. She was tired and exhausted from moving heavy things around the entire day. Though her nerves told her she could still break someone's bones, the thought of them finding the goddess horrified her. She didn't want to come but it was the only way she could protect them. That and they would probably be in for a shock. She inhaled the scent of the sea as the waves rolled by. She could hear footsteps approaching her. "Mia" Sinbad's voice called. Her head turned toward him a soft smile gracing her lips. "Mhm?" She hummed. "How are you feeling?" He asked knowing she was exhausted. "Tired, but I'll live" She chuckled. "You seem pretty tense about this Adventure" Sinbad massaged her shoulders. Mia melted under his touch and leaned back into her chest, sighing. He smiled and looked out into the blue waves.

He stopped and wrapped his arms around her. "We can cuddle while we nap if you want" Sinbad whispered into her ear. "I'm in!" She grinned and dragged Sinbad to their room. She quickly slipped off her shoes and crawled into bed. He followed her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I love you" Mia yawned and cuddled close. "I love you too" Sinbad replied back sleepily. They both fell asleep to the gentle rocking of the ship.

~Mini Timeskip~

Mia opened her eyes, the sound of rain hitting against the boat registered in her sleepy mind. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. She carassed Sinbad's cheek lovingly and smiled sweetly. He opened an eye to look at her curiously. "Sorry, did I wake you?" Mia whispered softly. "No, not at all" He smiled. She stared into his now both opened eyes, the molten gold melting her own hazel ones. "Hey Sin?" She asked. "Hm?" He hummed. "Would you look at me different or hate me because you found out I'm not what I seem?" She asked quietly. Sinbad raised an eyebrow at her question. "Of course not" He frowned. "You sure?" Mia bit her lip. "Did something happen?" He asked. "W-What? Of course n-not!" She stuttered. "Mia I know you're lying" He narrowed his eyes. "This little adventure we're going on, I won't tell you what it is, but you'll learn a secret of mine. I promise when it's over I'll explain everything" She sighed rolling onto her back.

She twisted her hair around her fingers nervously. She had almost gave away what he would learn. She instead told him what he will expect when their adventure ended. Sinbad watched her quietly. He hoped this secret if hers didn't interfere with his plans after the adventure. He had decided it was now or never two days ago. However, the sudden news interfered with his plans so he would have to wait. He chuckled at her nervous form and pulled her close. "Don't be so nervous" Sinbad smiled. Mia huffed and looked away.

She ran her fingers through Sinbad's violet hair slowly. She wanted nothing more than to stay by the side of the man she had fallen for. She just hoped that she could after the secret was spilled and she had to explain herself. She had been with Sinbad for so long now. It only seemed like yesterday she was waking up in a strange place after hiding from a storm. The rain hitting against the ship reminded her of when she ran into the portal. Sure she missed her job and school but she wouldn't trade this life for those things ever again. She was brought out if her thoughts by a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled at her violet haired lover. "I was thinking" She giggled. "So I broke your concentration" He replied back. She rolled her eyes at his reply.

"Oh hush" Mia sighed with a smile. "I'd rather not, I love your smile too much" Sinbad grinned. Mia shook her head and cuddled back against him. "You're such a dork" She muttered. "Hmm? What's a dork?" He asked. "Oh right, wrong century" She thought. "An idiot" She replied after a moment. "I'm not an idiot" He huffed. "To me you are" Mia grinned. He groaned and rolled over, not wanting to deal with her cocky attitude. "Awww, you know you love me!" She teased. Sinbad grumbled, unable to deny her. "I love you~" She cooed. "I love you too, Mia" Was the last thing she heard before gentle snores echoed in the room. She curled up under the blankets, falling asleep. She definitely loved her cocky, little womanizing dork...

Finally! It's short because I'm tired and was in a hurry to publish the next chapter! I hope this little fluff and some 'hints' get you all excited! Bye my moonlets!



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