Chapter 12:Aftermath

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Apologies for the slow updates!

I = Hunter's voice in Mia's head

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"ARIGATO FOR THE UPDATE!" ~SakuraGarcia8 Chapter 11

Mia groaned in pain as she opened her eyes, the lighting blinding. She rubbed her eyes and tried to roll over. She froze as she felt an arm tighten around her waist. Soft breathing tickled her ears. Mia blushed at the feeling and felt something twitch at the top of her head. She snaked her hand up and gripped the twitching thing on her head. Mia squirmed when the breathing blew against her ears once more. She sat up quickly, realizing what was twitching. She looked down to see Sinbad on his side facing her, one arm wrapped around her waist. Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance when his hand squeezed her thigh.

She looked to her right to see a tail that connected to the bottom of her back. "Hehe, glad they're back?" A female's voice rang in Mia's head. "What? Who are you!?" Mia asked in her head. "Honestly Mia. It's me! Hunter! Remember?" The female's voice giggled. "Wait... You're a girl now!? And why have my ears and tail reappeared?!!!" Mia panicked, careful to not talk out loud. "Silly, I've always been a girl, except... I was reincarnated as a boy this time. As for your ears and tail it's a side affect from your djinn equip" Hunter responded. "Reincarnated?" Mia questioned. "Sorry, I'll explain later I don't have-" Mia gasped as his hand squeezed her thigh once more. She covered her mouth quickly and looked back to see Sinbad still silently asleep.

A weird sensation traveled up her spine as his hand squeezed her thigh gently. "Sin, quit it!" Mia whispered, gripping his wrist. Sinbad yawned and opened an eye to see what was going on. "Oh you're awake" Sinbad yawned. "Yes, I'm awake! NowPleaseLetGoOfMyThigh!" Mia said quickly her cheeks turned red. "Hm? You're... Thigh?" He asked, squeezing again. Mia squirmed and pouted. "Cute" Sinbad yawned as he sat up. "...Why are you shirtless?" Mia asked, looking at him in his shirtless glory.

"What?" Sinbad asked. "You know what, I don't want to know" Mia sighed. "How are you feeling?" Sinbad asked. "Well-" Mia paused as she pushed the blanket off her legs. She stopped and looked down taking in her outfit. She was wearing a white loose shirt and her red and white striped panties. She felt her face begin to burn as she felt Sinbad's eyes follow her stare. She pulled the blanket up to her chest and coughed. "I think I'll stay in bed awhile longer...." Mia muttered. "Need company?" Sinbad asked, leaning close. Her ears stood up and twitched catching Sinbad's attention.

"Oh by the way, you've had those ears and the tail since you transformed back" Sinbad pulled on one of her ears making her squeak at the sudden movement. "Y-Yeah they're a-a side a-affect" Mia stuttered, trying to get him to let go of her ear. He tugged again making her hand release the blanket and start to also reach for his hand. When she finally pried his hand off her ear she huffed and crossed her arms. "I can see why you're nickname is Sin" Mia puffed out her cheeks in a pouty face. "Aww come on Mia don't be that way" Sinbad chuckled. "Oh shut it" Mia stuck her tongue out at him. "Watch it, or I'll make you use that tongue for more than insults" Sinbad warned. Mia slapped a hand over her mouth and leaned away from him, her cheeks growing redder.

"Quite the mind you have to think such things Mia" Sinbad teased. "Speak for yourself! I don't even want to know what kind of imagination you have!" Mia exclaimed. Sinbad wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed her back against his bare chest. "You sure about that?" He asked in a husky voice, pressing his lips against her shoulder where the shirt slid off. A shiver traveled down her spine. "Y-Yeah I'm sure" Mia mumbled. "Anyway, what happened?" She asked. "I don't really remember much after I found you..." She frowned. "You went in a trance, disappeared, came back in your djinn equip, and saved me" He answered.

"I see...." Mia sighed. "Well I just found out Hunter can talk to me in my head, oh, and she's a girl" Mia informed. "Really? Hm, well we should get dressed the others are worried about you" He said. "You did tell them what happened right?" She asked looking up at him. "Yeah, Ja'far was pretty pissed at me for this when we got back" Sinbad chuckled. "We're back!? How long was I out???" Mia gasped. "A whole day and a few hours" He replied. "That long?" Mia muttered. "Yep, now let's get dressed" Sinbad winked.


Mia followed Sinbad to their friends who stood around chatting. "Hey guys!" Mia smiled and waved. "Mia!!!" Akira shouted and tackle hugged her. "Woah!" Mia yelled. "Are you ok!? I was so worried" Akira asked. "Yes I'm fine. I was just exhausted that's all" Mia smiled. "Good to see you're ok" Ja'far smiled. "Thank you" Mia smiled sweetly at Ja'far. "No worries" Ja'far replied. Everyone chatted to Mia asking how she was and she got updates on what was happening. "There's news about some organization after an old goddess of myth" Hinahoho said. "Old goddess?" Sinbad asked. "Yes the Wolf goddess" Ja'far answered. "The Wolf goddess created wolves adding the fact that they obey her every command they're probably hoping to do something with the wolves" Mia spoke up. Everyone looked at her. "What? I read some books back at Akira's village" Mia shrugged. "So does this mean we're going on a mission to find out if the Wolf goddess is real?" Akira asked excitedly. "It does" Sinbad smirked. "WOOHOO!" Akira jumped around in joy. "I'll come with you. I have some things with this goddess I'd like to know about" Mia said. "Alright fine" Sinbad nodded.

"Then it's official! We set sail at dawn! Me, Mia, Akira, Sakura, and Ja'far let's get this mission in motion!!!" Sinbad announced...

Phew! Finally got this updated! Are you excited for this new mission? Tell me in the comments of you're opinions and theories but be careful with spoilers please!!! Bye my moonlets!



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