Chapter 10:Jealousy

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Welcome to another Chapter! And yes, I'm finally over bronchitis!!! :D

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"rape....RAPE!" ~SakuraGarcia8 (Chapter 7)

Mia stood sighing  while Akira and Sakura shook their heads disapprovingly at Sinbad who stood around flirting with the local women. "Is Sinbad always like this?" Sakura asked Akira who shrugged. "Yeah if he didn't flirt then he's probably not Sinbad..." Mia said. "Wow that's...I don't even know" Sakura sighed. "He stands around and flirts like it's no big deal but when I talk to other guys he gets upset. It's. Not. Fair" Mia huffed frustrated with the purple haired male. "Then just do it no matter how much he gets mad" Akira smirked evilly. "I guess your right I've got nothing better to do then sit around watching his royal flirt-ness" Mia said in quotation signs. Akira giggled at Mia's nickname and watched her get up and walk past Sinbad who became curious. "I bet Mia's jealous" Sakura whispered with a giggle to Akira. "Seriously?!" Akira asked in surprise. "Or it might be Sinbad..." Sakura hummed in thought. Akira tapped her chin in thought.

Meanwhile~ (Narrator attempts transition)

Mia smiled at the young male as he compliment her necklace. Mia laughed and thanked him as she grabbed some supplies for Sakura. "Goodbye" Mia waved to the boy walking away with the box. Her hazel eyes watched the people walk by as she walked back to the ship. She walked aboard ignoring the eyes burning holes into her head. She sat the box down and smiled at the pink haired fairy. "Here you go" Mia smiled softly. "Did you talk to anyone?" Sakura asked trying not to laugh. "Why yes I did. A boy around my age he was quite kind, complimenting my necklace" Mia said as the stare intensified. "Ooo~ do tell" Akira giggled from behind. Mia turned towards Akira her eyes meeting Sinbad's halfway through her turn. His golden eyes staring her down knowing she talked with another male. "C'mon Akira it was just simple talk" Mia huffed rolling her eyes with a smile as Akira blabbed.

"What's up with Sinbad?" Ja'far asked Mystras. "I don't know" Mystras shrugged just as confused by Sinbad's behavior. Sinbad was leaned against the mast his eyes narrowed at Mia. Ja'far just shook his head and went about his day. "Hey Sin?" Mia asked snapping Sinbad out of his daze. "Yeah?" He responded. "I'm gonna grab some materials from the forest wanna help?" Mia smiled. "Sure" He grinned following her off the ship. His golden eyes watched her skirt move side to side as they walked along in the quiet afternoon. Sinbad's thoughts were somewhere else at the moment. (Get yo mind out of the gutter! ;3) Mia ran her hand down a large leaf oblivious to the staring male beside her. She hummed in thought and turned to Sinbad. "Hey Sin? You seem a little dazed are you ok?" Mia asked putting her hand against his forehead. "Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Sinbad asked tilting his head. "Well ever since I went to town to grab some supplies for Sakura you seemed a little...upset" Mia frowned innocently. "Really?" Sinbad asked narrowing his eyes slightly. "I mean the only thing I really did was talk to a guy but...Sin?" Mia trailed off seeing his bangs cover his eyes. (Rip Mia 2017)

Mia squeaked as her back was pushed against a tree. "I told you not to talk with other guys" Sinbad frowned his voice dark. "I can do what I want!" Mia yelled back growing irritated. Sinbad narrowed his eyes, pressing her against the tree harder. "Why the hell can't I talk to boys when YOU can flirt all day with girls!? It's. Not. Fair!" Mia said poking his chest with a pout. "I don't want you talking to other men" He frowned. "W-" Mia was cut off by Sinbad pressing his lips to hers softly making her eyes widen in shock. Sinbad backed up and smiled. "Stop talking, you're so stubborn" Sinbad laughed lightly at Mia's red face. "Pervert!" Mia retorted. Sinbad's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Damn it Mia!" Sinbad pouted. "Oh, I'm sooo sorry you're jealous of other guys" Mia said sarcastically. "Why would I be jealous of other men?" Sinbad huffed. "Because I'm not allowed to talk to other guys as you informed. You're not my dad nor my boyfriend so I have every right to-!" Mia was cut off by Sinbad pressing his lips against her once more. "Remember the night before you disappeared? I have every right since you lost" Sinbad smirked at Mia's surprised face.

"Damn you..." She grumbled. "But you didn't get far with me, only kissing so HAH!" Mia crossed her arms. "Is that a challenge?" Sinbad asked. "Maybe..." She replied tilting her chin up. "Then... I accept that challenge" Sinbad smirked evilly. "Then prepare to lose" Mia smirked back, raising her head confidently. "Now..." She began pushing him back with a finger. "Let's get the materials" Mia smiled and moved away from him walking away leaving him to blink. "Hey... HEY WAIT!" Sinbad shouted running after her. "Hurry up!" Mia yelled back continuing to search the forest for herbs. Sinbad caught up with her and watched her inspect random plants carefully. "So... was that jealousy in your voice?" Mia asked suddenly. "Huh?" He asked in surprise. "Never seen you so aggressive about me talking to other boys" She snickered as a smirk grew secretly on her face. "Never seen you so upset over me flirting with other girls" Sinbad smirked back.
"Shut up....."

Hey my moonlets I apologize for the long wait! Anyway I hope me finally getting this chapter out helps :D!!! Bye my sweet moonlets!



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