Chapter 7:Bad Sinbad

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Oh asked for this Hunter! Good luck with the nosebleeds~ X3 also thanks to SakuraGarcia8 for the idea
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mia stared at him with wide eyes slightly squirming in fear. Sinbad watched her in amusement. "Hm now what shall I do~" Sinbad smirked darkly. Sinbad removed his hand and stared down sat her. "Be a good girl and I'll be gentle~" Sinbad chuckled. Mia tilted her head. "Gentle? With what?" Mia asked. Sinbad smirked widely. Mia felt awkward in the situation mostly because Sinbad was between her legs with a sinister smirk plastered on his face. The rest was because he was acting strange a side Mia's never seen. Mia squeaked and turned dark red as something cold touched her side under her shirt. Sinbad had lifted up her shirt and put his hand there. A shiver ran down Mia's spine making Sinbad chuckle. "Be q-quiet! I-It's c-cold!" Mia stuttered. Sinbad squeezed her side maming her yelp. "Didn't I say if you were a good girl I would be gentle?" Sinbad said. Mia narrowed her eyes. "When this is over I'm gonna-Ow! What the hel-Mmpf!!!" Mia yelped as he squeezed harder but was cut off as he covered her mouth again. One hand on her mouth the other against her smooth skin. Sinbad eyed her soft, almost tan skin making Mia blush. Mia pulled away gis from her mouth. "Stop staring perv!" Mia yelled. Sinbad's lips formed a straight line and his bangs recovered his eyes. He leaned down toward her face making her close her eyes. He pressed his lips against hers making her eyes shoot open. A sound of surprise came from her mouth through the kiss. His eyes glared into her own showing he was pissed.

Sinbad put a hand beside her face and lifted himself slowly from the long kiss. Mia stared at him silently eyes still wide in surprise. Sinbad seem to be deep in thought as he hummed silently. Mia moved slightly making his eyes narrow. Mia sat up slowly and looked at Sinbad. "Can I go now?" Mia asked. Sinbad hummed again. "I'm not finished yet" Sinbad smirked darkly. "Eh!?" Sinbad leaned into her neck making her tilt it the other away unknowingly giving him more room and eyed him. "What're you...?" Mia asked. Mia blushed like crazy as his tongue slide over her skin his eyes staring into hers the entire time smirking. (Is it just me or is it getting hot in here? *pulls at shirt collar*) "Why you cocky little-" Mia was cut off by him biting into her neck. He let go and smirked. "I'd be careful what you say" Sinbad's smirk growing sinister. Mia became quiet. "Good girl" Mia huffed at him in annoyance. Sinbad kissed the spot he bit making Mia shudder. He let go of her wrists and wrapped them around her waist pulling her closer. Mia gripped his shirt tightly her deep blush still on her face. Sinbad quietly brushed his fingers up her spine stopping near the middle. Mia arched her back slight as a growl of annoyance came through her gritted teeth. "Your hands are cold!" Mia hissed. Sinbad bit into her neck again making her yelp. "T-That hurt!" Mia stuttered. "Good it's punishment" Sinbad smirked. He lifted his face towards hers and looked at her. "You're quite bold to defy my orders" He narrowed his eyes Mia huffed.

Sinbad pressed his lips against hers again quieting her. His hand under her shirt started to move up her back when her hand stopped him. Sinbad looked into her hazel eyes staring back at him. Sinbad mentally sighed and dropped his hand. Sinbad tilted hid head and licked her bottom lip making her twitch in his grip. Sinbad released the kiss for air then captured them again. Mia slowly closed her eyes and finally kissed back making Sinbad smirk in the kiss. He gripped her sides suddenly making her gasp giving him the chance to snake his tongue in a sound of surprise coming from her. Mia hesitantly reached for his hair and slowly tangled them in the loose parts. Sinbad roughly pressed her against the bed earning another sound from her. Sinbad broke the kiss lightly panting a string of saliva connecting them. Mia was panting heavily her eyes stared into his own. Mia had never done that before so this was all new to her. "Satisfied?" Mia finally asked. Sinbad licked his lips smirking. "I wouldn't say satisfied yet" He chuckled. Mia rolled her eyes. She gently rubbed her neck were Sinbad bit her. "That's gonna leave a mark..." Mia sighed. "Sounds good to me" Sinbad smirked. Mia looked to the side blushing. "That" Mia said. "Ooh~? So you've never done anything like this before hm~?" Sinbad smirked devilishly. Mia didn't win the 'fight' nor did she get out...

I apologize for it bring short! Also I realized as I read over this and as I typed it that... "Why is it turning into a lemon?...I read to many lemons..." *realizes how awkward this became* Bye moonlets!



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