Chapter 6:The Argument Gone Wrong!

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Sorry for not updating in so long!!! I hope you're not dead from waiting forever! D:

Mia sat on the ship listening to the sound of the waves crashing softly against the ship. "Yo" A familiar voiced called. Mia scowled silently and looked down at the ocean. "If you keep looking that close you'll fall" Sinbad said coming closer. Mia ignored him and narrowed her eyes. Sinbad sighed. "Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" Sinbad asked obviously not aware of his actions. "Did you do something wrong?" Mia slammed her hand down glaring at him. "YOU'RE SUCH AN ASS!" Mia yelled. Luckily no one else was on the ship at the time. "How am I an ass!?" Sinbad asked. "You're so dense!" Mia hissed. "How!?" Sinbad asked again. "YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID WHEN YOU WERE DRUNK!" Mia yelled getting up. "WELL I WAS DRUNK!" Sinbad yelled back. Mia sighed sitting back down rubbing her temples. "What did I even do?" He asked. "You kissed me you ass!" Mia grumbled loud enough for Sinbad to hesr. "Sorry I guess I can get carried away when I'm drunk" Sinbad grinned rubbing the back of his neck. "Carried away?" Mia asked a deadly glare replacing her calm face. Sinbad backed up smiling nervously. Mia stood up. "Carried away!?" Mia yelled. "YOU WERE TAKING ADVANTAGE...even if I liked it...YOU REALLY ARE A PERVERT!" Mia shouted mumbling the middle part. (<-< gee Mia tsundere much?) Sinbad's eyebrowe twitched.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'M NOT A PERVERT!" Sinbad yelled going all angry chibi form. "And I didn't take advantage!" Sinbad huffed. "Uh-huh" Mia crossed her arms. Hunter was watching them argue in amusemnt. (Well I see someone's having a good time ╮(─▽─)╭) Sinbad grumbled something and looked at Mia disturbingly calm. "W-what?! Why are you staring!?" Mia stuttered a small blush starting to form. Sinbad started getting close to her. "S-Sin?" Mia asked her blushing beginning to deepen. Sinbad stopped inches away from her face. His golden eyes staring into her hazel ones. Mia paniced as Hunter up and left her to find food. "Traitor!" Mia pouted mentally to herself. Sinbad began to step forward making her step back.

Sinbad's POV

I step closer she steps back. A feel a smirk curl on my lips as she falls back on a crate in a sitting position. I grip the the railings behind her and lean over her giving a amused smirk. "W-what are y-you doing!?" She stuttered. I give her a devilish smirk and lean in her eyes shutting tight her blush turning red. "Too easy" I thought. I breathed against her ear and whisper. "So tell me...Are you still upset now?...Or has your mood changed?" I smirk as she shivers underneath me. I lean back to look at her wide eyes my devilish smirk still plastered on my face. (I read this and think "Hunter's gonna kick his ass..." XD) "Y-you pervert!" She stuttered half shouted. I tilt my head my smirk growing wider. "Ooh?" I can see she regrets her word but is still holding a straight face how amusing~. "You're really not in any position to be name calling wouldn't you agree?" "Yes I am!" Mia huffed. "I wonder how long you can hold up you're already trembling" I smirk twirling a lock of her hair. I'm not gonna try anything too daring seeing as I'm only getting her out of her upset state. Well... "I-I'm not t-trembling l-liar!" How cute she can't even shout. Hm how about... I drop the lock making her give a confused look. I brush my fingertips down her neck and pull at her shirt. (Yep...Sinbad is soooo dead) I chuckle darkly as she squeaks.

Narrator's POV (ok enough before someone explodes with a nosebleed I don't wanna be the one to blame XD)

Mia could hear his dark chuckle echo in the dark night. "W-why I outta-" She began scowling. "Outta what" He aske smirking his head tilting again his bangs covering his eyes. "Damn him..." Mia thought. Mia went to hit his head to show what she meant when his hand gripped her wrist midway. "THIS DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT YOU'RE A PERVERT!" Mia quickly shouted closing her eyes. Her voice echoing. She slowly opened her eyes. Sinbad frowned for a moment then jerked her up her face landing into his chest. Mia tried to back away but he pulled her closer. "W-what are you-!?" Mia tried to speak but quickly yelped as he jerked her forward and stepped out of the way. Before she could hit the floor he wapped his arm under her waist and picked her up. Mia shook her head regaining focus and noticed the railing was getting further. "What the?" Mia thought when the sound of a door opened. Mia was slung on a bed and sat up quickly looking toward where Sinbad stood. He had the door closed and locked it. Mia couldn't see his eyes his bangs still covered them. "Sin...?" Mia asked quietly. Mia squeaked as her back collided with the bed. Mia blinked as Sinbad loomed over her his eyes now showing making her gulp.

"So are we gonna do this the easy way or..." His devilish smirk returning his eyes slightly closing and glinting with mischief. "The hard way" He smirked. Mia closed her eyes and sighed then opened him. "Ok you win can I go now?" Mia sighed in annoyance. Sinbad's smirk grew wider. "Oh~? I'm afraid you haven't been punished properly yet" Sinbad said darkly. "Eh!?" Mia asked. He leaned down his hot breath fanning against her ears. "You think I'd just let you get away with such insults without being set straight?" He asked as her face grew red. "Ok! That sounds wonderful and all but perhaps some other time or maybe never?" Mia laughed nervously. Mia tried to move her arms but to her surprise they were held above her head by Sinbad's hand. "Anxious are we?" He chuckled darkly. "Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope!" Mia began repeating trying to squirm out of his grip viciously. Sinbad watched in amusement as she tired herself out. Mia sighed sadly. "I hate to do this Sinbad but desperate measures call for one being...HU-Mmpf!?!" Mia was quite off by Sinbad putting a hand over her mouth swiftly. Her wrists were held together tightly by one hand the other keeping her quiet. "Mia,Mia,Mia~" Sinbad smirked darkly shaking his head. "The more you fight it the worse it becomes" Sinbad snickered...

So that was hilarious to write I got the idea to show you how the fight went down PROPERLY I mean you didn't get dirty thoughts did chu~ ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌. Should I finish the fight in the next chapter? Bye moonlets!



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