Chapter 4:The Imuchakk

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Welcome to the 3rd chapter :D sadly these chapters take longer to be published. (because I'm not skipping scenes X3) and I apologize for that.

Mia stroked Hunter's fur softly as Sinbad's eyes lingered on her secretly. Mia stopped mid-stroke and her eyes widened. "Sin...what's that sound?" Mia asked holding her head up. "Hm? What sound?" He asked looking at her. It was then the sound of a beast reached their ears. Sinbad stood up and watched as a giant horned creature came into view. Sinbad grabbed his sword and lifted it up and commanded lightning to strike it down. He slowly put his arm down a serious look on his face. "Ah...ACHOO" Sinbad sneezed. "Regret taking your shirt off yet?" Mia asked raising her eyebrows. Sinbad huffed and stood up putting his shirt on. Mia wrapped a blanket around him. "The cold doesn't bother me" Mia waved his expression off and climbed out of the boat to see a blue haired man with a short blue haired girl unconscious on the boat behind him. Sinbad walked up behind Mia and smiled at him. "Hello" Sinbad smiled as the blue haired man gave no expression. Mia nearly jumped out of her skin when a girls voice pierced her ears. "Big bro you did it!" The girl smiled climbing a top the beast. "Ah-" "Why is it burned?" She asked brushing her finger tips against the scorched flesh. Mia sweatdropped as Sinbad took her hand a pink aura surrounding them. "My names Sinbad and yours?" He asked with a eye-closed smile. "Eh?" The girl tilted her head. Mia muffled her laugh quickly. "My names Pipirika and that's my big bro Hina! He still has his childhood name but now that he has slayed the beast he will be given his warrior name!" Pipirika smiled. "I'm Mia nice to meet you both" Mia said her expression blank.

Sinbad sat down with chunks of meat speared onto the stick he held on the log by the fire Mia silently next to him staring into the fire. "Hey Mia aren't you hungry?" Pipirika asked. "No I'm perfectly fine" Mia answered still staring at the fire. "Hey what's your village like?" Sinbad asked. "I would like to go there" He grinned. Mia sighed knowing where he was going with his words and began to space out thinking back to when her mother and father let her camp in the backyard. She would talk to the only true friend she had while eating marshmallows and drinking milk. The sound of whining brought her back to reality and she blinked and looked down only to smile seeing the puppy eyes blinking back at her. Mia stroked Hunter's head softly in her only little world with him. "Hey Mia are you ok?" A familiar voice asked. Mia looked up to see three pairs of eyes staring her down. Mia sweatdropped. "I'm fine" Mia smiled nervously waving them off. The next morning they walked to the entrance of the village Mia looking around. Sinbad had introduced them and was talking when the chief stopped him saying strangers were not allowed in the village. Mia sat down next to Sinbad and looked at the others quietly. "Hina I want you to go to the tower to-" "Don't do it it's a dungeon" Sinbad said. "I've seen thousands of people die trying to capture the dungeon" Sinbad said. "I heard about that a young man had captured a dungeon" Hina said. "That was me" "Now listen here I will not-" The chief froze as Sinbad opened the sheath to show a glowing symbol on his sword and closed it breathing out. "My apologies for not knowing here we honor the strong" He smiled handing a bowl to Sinbad. "What about you girl" He asked. "It's Mia not girl" Mia narrowed her eyes. The guys sweatdropped and nodded.

Later that night the celebration for Hina was going on and Sinbad was getting drunk and dancing with others. Mia sighed the smell of alcohol filling her air. "Oiiiii" Sinbad waved his face flushed a dark pink. Mia rolled her eyes knowing he was drunk. "Oi dad where's Sinbad and Mia?" Pipirika asked. "She's taking him back to his bed he's quite drunk" The chief chuckled. "YOU GOT HIM DRUNK!?" Pipirika yelled. "You reek of alcohol" Mia stuck her tongue out. "Don't be...Don't be so sensitive Mia" Sinbad laughed. Mia groaned in annoyance and put his arm over her shoulder and began walking him back to the cabin. "Heeeey what about Hunty?" Sinbad asked. "He's already alseep now shut......what're you doing?" Mia asked looking at the ground as she felt his warm breath against her cheek. "Hey Mia? How come you won't look me in the eyes?" He asked quietly his breath going down her neck causing her to shiver. "Sin y-you're drunk be quiet" Mia said. Mia suddenly found herself staring into golden hazed over eyes that belonged to the drunk violet haired male. Mia tried to turn her head. "Sin c'mon you need rest..." Mia tried to assure him. Mia opened her mouth to say he was drunk but was shushed by a pair of soft lips pressing against her own. Her hazel eyes widened still staring into his gold ones. He slowly backed up still staring at her. "Sin...?" Mia asked slightly in shock. "Alright good night Miiiiiiiia" Sinbad waved happily stumbling into the cabin. Mia blinked and slowly touched her lips. "Did...did that happen?" Mia asked herself before the anger rose making her want to rip his head off.

Then later on Mia was running for the cabin only to find Sinbad and a assassin fighting. "WHAT THE HELL?" Mia yelled making them stop only for him to be tackled and tied up. Mia leaned against the door frame staring softly at the small child in front of her. His green eyes were dulled and held no emotion but a glare. Sinbad was interrogating him the sounds of sawing reaching her ears. Mia began to stand as a small razor sliced Sinbad's cheek. The silver haired assassin was pulled from the winsdow and disappeared into the night. Mia sighed knowing she'd have to treat his wound. She grabbed his arm and sat him down on his bed. "Stay still" Mia murmured dabbing the cut lightly while Sinbad flinched. Mia put the tissue down and huffed irritatedly. Sinbad watched her as she slammed the door behind her wondering why she was so upset. (Gee I wonder why :3) Later on Mia sat nodding off near Sinbad at a campfire. Mia heared faint voices and slowly yawned rubbing her eyes. "Hm? Oh Pipirika...where's Sin?" Mia asked suddenly standing up. Hunter raised his head his ears twitching. "He...he went to the dungeon after Hina" Pipirika answered. Mia looked at Hunter and took off running toward the way Sinbad went his scent faint in the cold air Hunter running behind her. Mia pulled out her peppermint pattern scarf she got from her backpack and put it around her neck and pulled it over her mouth so her lungs wouldn't hurt from breathing cold air in so much. Her eyes were narrowed toward a building in the distance. Mia slid to a stop and stared up at the gray building her hair flowing side ways in the wind. She pressed her hand against the door a familiar bright white light surrounding her...

Finally! I finished phew...Again apologies for the slow updates! Anyway before I leave I was watching The Adventures of Sinbad in dub and it's pretty good in my opinion but if you have netflix you should watch it! Bye my moonlets!



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