Chapter 8:Two Years Huh?

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Sorry for not updating in awhile *quickly bows*

"Miaaaa!!!" A cheery voice called. Mia sighed and turned to the red headed girl running toward her. "Yes Akira?" Mia asked looking down from the bookshelf to the panting Akira. She stood up her short hair slightly swishing. "I finished your new bow" She smiled. Akira had red hair that reached above her neck because of her being a blacksmith and the only long pieces were the two braided ones in the front on each side with beads on them. Her eyes were a chocolate color and always sparkled with excitement. Akira wore brown shorts and a white tank top with a black tool belt she made to hold all sorts of tools. "Really? That's wonderful" Mia gave a small smile. She followed Akira to their house they shared with Akita's family. Mia now wore a red below shoulder long sleeved shirt with black straps and black fingerless gloves. A black skirt with a gold ring near the bottom. Thigh high black socks with double gold rings at the tops of the socks. Brown boots that reached her knees and held a secret knife. Her hair was crown french braided and held a purple bow while a black choker with a small white crescent moon adorned her neck. Her hazel eyes scanned over the smooth obsidian bow she had Akira make, the silky but tough bendable string sparkled from the light. "Good job I'm glad it went well tough materials to find but worth it" Mia smirked. "The arrows are in your quiver" She smiled proudly. "Thanks Akira I appreciate it" Mia smiled. "No problem" Akira winked.

Once Mia geared up the sound of yelling was heard. "What's that?" Akira asked. "Sounds like fangirls..." Mia muttered. "OH MY DUNGEON DID YOU HEAR GIRL?!" A girl screamed making Mia cringe. "SINBAD'S HERE" She screamed the sound of running and trampling thudded against the door. "And there goes my hearing..." Mia sighed covering her ears. Akira sighed use to the loud noise and opened the door to see a empty area. "Did everyone...disappear?" Akira asked. "No they all ran like chickens with their heads cut off to the source they were going crazy over" Mia rolled her eyes. "You mean you didn't hear?" Akira asked. "Hear what? I could barely hear anything over the screeching lunatics" Mia huffed. "The famous Sinbad has come to town sweetie" Akira snickered. "Sin...bad?" Mia asked slowly. Akira got that knowing look and snickered loudly. "Yes sweetie your prince charming is back" Akira wiggled her eyebrows making Mia scoff. "Womanizer" Mia corrected walking out the door. Akira giggled at Mia's sass and followed her. Mia and Akiras sat on the roof watching the crowd surround a purple haired teen or to be specific, Sinbad. Mia and Akira nodded while saying. "Womanizer indeed" Mia climbed down and walked into the crowd Akira following behind. Mia squeezed through and managed to hear what he was saying. Once Sinbad had left for an inn she and Akira followed.

"Question?" Mia said aloud catcing his attention. Mia crossed her arms. "Did you miss me pervert?" She asked smirking. Sinbad knew only one person who dared called him that. "Mia it's been Two Years huh?" Sinbad said. She smiled walking up to him. "You haven't changed much" Mia smiled. "You've changed quite a bit" He grinned. Mia and Sinbad sat down catching up on their lives together. "So where's Hunter?" He asked. Mia's expression saddened. "Hunter's....gone" Mia frowned sadly. "What?! How?" Sinbad asked. Mia sighed and shuffled in her seat. "When I was kidnapped something happened and for the first year I was asleep. Don't ask me how I'm not sure, but when I awoke Hunter was still alive but something happened and he became...this" Mia touched the small crescent moon. "How did he?" Sinbad asked inspecting the charm. "Where do djinns go when they are captured?" Mia asked. "Into an object wh-ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Sinbad whisper yelled. "Yes apparently he was a djinn the whole time he didn't explain though" Mia sighed. "So now you have a djinn of your own huh?" Sinbad said sitting back. "Mhm" Mia hummed. "Hey who was the girl with you earlier?" He asked. "Hm? Oh her! That's Akira she's my blacksmith she and her family have been taking care of me" Mia smiled. "I go hunting to help with the family though" Mia said.

"Hey can I come?" Akira asked. "What do you mean?" Mia asked. "With you on Sinbad's adventure" Akira pouted. "Fine! Just don't cause any trouble got it?" Mia said. "Yeah, yeah! Let's go!" Akira smiled dragging Mia to Sinbad's boat. "Yo!" Sinbad waved. "This is Akira" Mia pointed. "Hello nice to meet ya!" She grinned. "So where are we going?" Mia asked. "We're gonna head over to a fairy island and then head back to the company" He smiled. "Hurry up I wanna see Hina again" Mia pouted. "Ok c'mon" Sinbad chuckled. "Oh and Ja'far! How's he holding up? Especially with Rurumu aa his teacher" Mia giggled Akira looking around in awe. "He's doing fine but we got Mystras you should really meet him" Sinbad said. "Cool" Mia replied...

Sorry for not updating in forever! Bye moonlets!



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