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Dib and Membrane were arguing In the livingroom.

"Why are you so upset?"Dib shouted angerily.

"Why I'm upset?YOUR DATING A BOY"Membrane shouted.

"So your my father"Dib reminded.

"Yes and i didn't raise you to be Gay"Membrane counter.

"Its not a choice"Dib shouted.

"I don't care just break-Up with your little boyfriend"Membrane Demanded.

"No,I love him and if you love me you be happy for me"Dib cried.

"You will if you want to keep living in this house"Membrane shouted.

"FINE THEN I'LL GO"Dib shouted with a few tears coming down.

"THEN LEAVE"Membrane shouted back pointing to the door.

Dib held back his tears the best he could packed his things and walked out slammed the door behind him.

Membrane open the door to shout.

"Your gonna come crawling back in less than a month"Membrane shouted.

"Yeah rigth asshole"Dib shouted back and ran.

When Dib was a few blocks alway he broken down in tears.

Walking to Zim door.

" hiya Marry"Gir answer letting him in.

Gidget and Zim was Whaching TV and Ded was Running around.

"Dib are you Okay"Gidget asked sympathetic hugging his waist.

"My dad kicked me out"Dib Dib silently cried.

"Oh,You poor thing you can stay with us"Deb offered.

"Um...really?"Dib asked looking at Zim.

Zim smiled,"Of course The-Dib can stay"Zim sweetly agreed.

"Thanks"Dib thanked hugging Zim.

"Hey dad where's Dib"Has asked waking up.

"I don't care where that little faggot is"Membrane muttered.

"Dad"Gaz gasped.

"Look Dib's gone and util he realize I'm rigth he be with with his little boyfriend"He shouted and sat down.

Gaz have no reaction and went to her room and came back with 2 suitcases.

"Where the Hell are you going"Membrane asked angrily.

"If your gonna kick Dib out for loving someone them I'm leaving"Gaz said emotionless and walked to the door.

She then left and went to Tak who was living in her old weenie company.

"Gaz what are you doing here"Tak asked.

"Come on"She simply said,Tak then followed her.

They went to Zim's house,Dib open it.

"Gaz?"Dib questioned.

"Dab kick me out beacuse I'm dating Tak can I stay here?"Gaz not at all phase by what she said.

"Oh sure"Dib smiled.

"Zim can Gaz and Tak stay here"Dib asked while Zim was on the chouch.

"I don't care just don't let them touch my stuff"Zim moan extremely tired.

"Come in"Dib said letting them in.

They walked in and sat on the floor.

Zim say I the far rigth side of the chouch,Dib Sat next to him in the,Scrooge sat on the left side,and Gidget say on a recliner closest to Scrooge.

Everyone was happy waching some random show,Happy thinking this is amzing and o5ge was good.

Well for now.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now