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It has been a week since Dib last saw or hear of Gidget,Scrooge,Tak,Gir,Deb,Meme and Yes Zim.

Dib has been at his computer Non-Stop trying to find a plan any plan to save them but he came up short he's definitely not giving up but he is losing hope.

He sill hasn't spoken to Gaz he barely left his room he only left to eat, use the bathroom, and go to school but he was so mad at Gaz he just couldn't see rigth now maby ever.

Dib was trying to locate where Zim could be but everything was classified and impossible to get to.

One migth Dib just lay in his bed looking at a picture of him and Zim.

"I miss you so much"Dib wisper hugging the photo.

"Son?"Membrane softly called out knocking on his all ready open door.

"Did you take my computer"Membrane asked.

His computer contain various of top secret and confidential information.

"Yeah,I just want to find Zim so badly"Dib admitted tearing up.

Membrane gave him a sympathetic look.

"You really love him didn't you?"Membrane asked sitting next to his son's bed.

Dib nodded his head

Membrane hesitated and finally said.

"I think I can help you"Membrane sad and a serious tone.

"What"Dib asked shocked.

"Look Dib I'm only gonna to tell you this once so listen carefully"Membrane warned.

Dib nodded showing he understood.

"Their is an alien Warehouse will they take alien or anywhere beings the reason and you can't find it on my computer because I study real science they never gave me any information about what they do,But all I know they do various things to them"Membrane started.

"Like what"Dib asked

" they take and one interrogate them,They take the other and what time do extreme torture,They take another one and take their blood see what they look like on the inside,and the last one is they would dissect them"Membrane informed Dib.

"Where is it"Dib asked scared.

" Here take this I have the address written on it just follow it and I know you're good at breaking in places so that part shouldn't be hard for you"Membrane said handing Dib the paper.

"Thanks Dad"Dib hugged Membrane.

"You welcome,just be save"Membrane hugged back.

The hug ended and Membrane walked to his lab.

"Oh and Dib if you tell anyone I told you about this,I'll kill you"Membrane joked.

"Ok"Dib giggled.

Then Membrane left the room.

-------------GAZ OVER HEARS----------

Gaz was in in her room playing her game but she did miss how Tak would look over her shoulder to see if what she was playing.

They she heard what Membrane and Dib are taking about she smiled at the thought of seeing Tak again.

When Membrane left and Gaz walked in to see Dib getting supplies.

Gaz and Dib hasn't spoken in a few days so Gaz just blurted it out.

"Can I come"Gaz quickly asked.

"Why gonna tell the head of the office and I'm going to break in"Dib sigthed.

"No please let me help you"Has begged.

Dib rolled his eyes,"Fine"Dib deeply sigthed.

"Ok so what's the plan here"Has asked.

"One will get in and save each and everyone one by one,Then will get them out in the most discreet way possible"Dib explained as they heady to the door.

"How do we get in"Gaz asked walking up the driveway.

" we'll dress a scientist"Dib quickly answered.

"Who we get out?"Gaz asked as the stop at Dibs new car.

"Well we'll put them on the table and rolled outside them something"Dib suggested.

"Ok"Gaz said and they both got in his car and drove to the alien Warehouse written on the small white slip with the address on it.

After a few hours Gaz fell asleep but Dib was nowhere near tired he had a mission that he was focused on.

He looked out the Window as a red light came.

" I'll find you Zim I promised"Dib wisper.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now