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Dib,Zim,Scrooge,Tak,Gidget,and Gaz mached to Membrane.

Dib not hard on Membrane's door

Membrane open the door and saw their angery faces

"Uh Oh"Membrane quietly said looking at they're angry faces

"You...almost...killed us"Gidget screeched the last part

"I almost give away my planet in all our weaknesses"Gidget shouted

" I experience the worst pain of my life"Scrooge added

"They made me do things"Tak screamed not giving out any specifics

" And I was almost dissected"Zim finished

"You have one good reason for why you did this"Sub shouted

" and explain it in a story"Gir suggested while him,Deb and Mimi flew in

"(Sigthed) Ok about I was fine when you guys left for about 3 months


Membrane was working on a another invention he got tired and went up stairs.

He went in the kitchen and he would usually see Gaz eating some cold pizza while playing her game but one was their.

Then he walked in the livingroom he usually see Dib watching the Paranormal Channel but again no one was their.

He sat down and looked at the black screen her really missed his kids and he wasn't mad at Dib anymore heck he does any remember why he was so mad.

He just wanted his kids back but he knew with Dib and Gaz pride a simple apology wouldn't bring them back especially for what he did and said.

He decided to go for a walk and the end up walking past Zim house where they were currently living Membrane walked up to see how happy they were this kid never got along when they were home.

He ever saw them so happy together,Then he noticed Gaz's phone.

Then he came up with plan

When Dib was younger he always talked about Zim being an alien he now believe him but he never told anyone simply because he really doesn't care when he thought they were just "friends".

Membrane then started spying on them taking any pictures of them without a disguise he also broke into the lab when they were all out he took some pictures of Zim's technology.

And was about to personally give the information but he realize he'd be the first one they what to expect so he forwarded to Gaz phone and wrote a description so she would unknowingly forwarded to the government.

Which is why he came seconds after they were taken away and instantly let him move back in.


"That was you amazing plan to get me and Gaz back" sarcastically stated

"By taking the loves we love to their impending doom"Dib clarified

"Well when you put it like that it sounds dumb"Membrane wines

"I'm sorry I didn't know they ment that much to you but I did help

ou save them, Don't I get some 
Credit for that"Membrane cried

"You crazy psycho"Gidget shouted

"Wait maby he as a pont"Zim stated

Then they all
( including Membrane)
gave Zim a confused and shocked looked.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now