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"Remember when you saw me in the  Corner not doing anything"Deb reminded them.

"Yes" they all said in unison

"Well I was doing something  I was scaning Gaz's phone"Deb explained showing them Gaz's phone.

"I was wondering where that went"Gaz muttered to herself

"I scan her data she hasn't even looked up anything that come remotely to any paranormal studies"Deb explained.

"So how did they find it in Gaz's phone?"Tak asked

"She must of been the last one to  forward it"Deb concluded

"Gaz did you get one weird links where you have to forward it in 45 seconds or you'll die or something"Deb asked

"Yeah kinda mine said my phone wounld go out"Gaz answered

"See"Deb pointed to Gaz phone to show the message

"Ok then who was the one who made the message"Dib asked

"I don't know but it had to be someone who knew we were alines,knew where we lived and knew the number to the head of the  paranormal scientist that works here" Deb explained.

Dib thought about it then realize something

*Membrane when they come when Dib was sad

*He also came only minute after Zim was taken away if you already know what's going on

*He knew the address of the Paranormal office that they were in right now

* Knew exactly what was going to happen to them

"Dad"Dib wisper

"What?"Gaz asked

"Dad did it he knew Zim and the other were aliens because I told him we were kids"Dib shouted while shaking Gaz.

"And he was mad when he found out you were dating Zim and when move-I mean when I started to date Tak"Gaz added.

"Membrane try to kill us"Scrooge shouted

"I swear to God when I see him again I'm going to rip His spine right out of him"Dib said though his teeth.

Then they heard loud knocking coming from the out side of the metal door.

"Only if they don't it first"Gidget panicked

Mimi,Gir,and Deb flew thought the roof.

"Were going to Gidget lab in until we get back hide"Deb informed.

They the ran away

Dib grabbed Zim's hand an ran to the garbage shoot.

Tak and Gaz and climbed to the small air vent and crawled around.

Scrooge went in to the hidden Underground room and ran for his life in the room that seems endless.

Gidget put on a small Lab suit and went out the back door.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now