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Dib and Gaz has been living with Zim for alittle more then 6 months.

They enjoyed it and been having fun Dib and Gaz still went to skool regularly and nothing has really changed much.

Dib was at his locker grabbing his textbooks for Math and Zim and Gidget walked up.

Zim changed his look alittle he wore a pink and Gray stripes long shirt and I black shirt that readed "I'm not an alien" over it.

Gidget keeped her look short she had a bleu crop top and a blue mini skirt and her long orange hair was in a messy ponytail.

"Hey Dib have you seen Scrooge he took me science notebook"Gidget asked.

"No,but here take this"Dib said handing her a science textbook.

"Thanks"Gidget said fliping threw her book.

Then Gaz and Tak came by holding her hand.

"Hey Guys"Tak greeted.

"Hi Gazolina and hideous Tak girl"Gidget greeted walking to her next class.

Then Zim and Tak walked away in different directions.

"Hey Dib look"Gaz said while showing him her new phone.

"Oh,You got you got new phone?"Dib asked with his head in his locker.

"Yeah i.."Gaz was interrupted by the school bell.

The then walked to their next class and then Skool ended.

And they walked to Zims base.

Gir and Deb were both running around in circles,Which they all ignored and walked inside.

They all sat down in their usual places on the chouch.

Gidget sat in her recliner reading,Zim was waching TV with Scrooge and Dib,and Gaz was playing with her new phone while Tak looked over her shoulder.

Then Gir hear a nosie outside and put on his disguise to look outside.

Gir saw a car he walked towers it and felt someone grab him he struggled but the man dressed in white wearing a mask.

He powered GIR off and this him in.

Deb and Meme walked out to find where Gir was and got powered off and captured like Gir.

------------After 2 hours------------

"Hey where's Deb?"Gidget asked looking away from her book.

"And Gir and Meme?"Tak looked up at Gidget.


"No one comming out"One man

"Well then we have to go in"The other Man said.

"Were going in"The frist man said.

Then they kicked down Zim's door.

"EVERYONE DOWN"The frist man said.

"Dear Lorde Scrooge what did you download"Dib shouted.

"Nothing I swear"Scrooge panicked.

"We had a tip that a family of aliens living here"The man informed.

Then several man grabbed Zim,Tak,Scrooge and Gidget who weren't wearing disguise.

"What"Zim struggled "Who told you"Zim kicked.

" we got an anonymous link full with pictures alien, writing and alien technology.

"Where"Tak screamed.

"That girls phone"The man shouted annoyed pointed at Gaz.

They gave Gaz an shock and hurt faces.

"I...didn't I swear"Gaz tried to explain but no words came out

"You sold us out"Scrooge shouted.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted her" Gidget shrieked being pulled out of the house.

Tak just stared in disbelief and didn't move at all she was so broken.

They were all out in different in cars with lage cages.

Gidget and Scrooge took off driving frist while they both hit and banged on the cage.

Tak went next but she didn't struggle at all he just let the car drive she even tried to get out.

Zim car was about to take off.

"Dib"Zim desperately screamed with a few tears came down.

"Zim"Dib tried to get to him but the other few man held him back.

"Save Zim"Zim shouted while the car drove away.

The other Man walked away into their cars and followed the other cars.

"Zim"Dib wisper then walked back to Zim base and sat on the chouch covering his hands to his his tears.

Gaz just looked at Dib and ran upstairs.
(Which Gidget made)

Dib just cried and stay that until hear  a familiar voice.

"Dib are you here?"

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now