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They all were locked up in a small cramped cage with handcuffs around the wrist.

They were all coping with the fact of being held hostage in different ways.

Tak was sill in emotional shock about Gaz betrayal and being the reason she was kicked up,Scrooge was in panic fearing for his life every day waiting for them to choose his faith,Gidget was calm knowing anything they throw at her she can take,And Zim was clinging to the hope Dib was going to save him.

"Were gonna die were so going to die"Scrooge sobbed.

"Scrooge shut-Up you been saying that for almost 4 day"Gigdet ground annoyed.

"Well it's treu"Scrooge cried.

"Scrooge calm down Dib well save us any minute"Zim comfort looking out the small window outside to see Dib.

"Open your eyes man"Scrooge shouted getting closer to Zim's face.

"He not comming of he was he be here by now"Scrooge shouted.

"Get out of Zim's face"Zim shouted head butting him.

"Ouch"Scrooge wisper.

"But it's true were all gonna die"Scrooge shouted.

"No we're not"Gidget calmly comfort.

"Yes we are because"Scrooge started

"Your delusional"Scrooge pointed to Zim.

" Your are way too calm about this whole situation"Scrooge pointed to Gidget.

"And she just been staring at the corner of the wall since we been here"Scrooge pointed to Tak.

" for your information I'm thinking of a plan to get out of here"Gidget countered.

" why haven't you gotten one yet"Scrooge shouted angerily.

" because a crazy green fat alien keeps distracting me"Gidget answer angerily.

"Both of you Shut-Up if they see us figthing they well just want to dissect us or whatever 3 Day earlier than its supposed to"Zim reminded them.

"We know but"Gidget was interrupted but the sound of the loud mealt door opening.

Four men walked in and grabbed them but the arms.

Tak didn't give much of a fight,Scrooge was to bust crying to figth,Gidget just struggled a little to let them know they were going to get anything out of her without a fight,And Zim constantly struggle to get out of the man's grasp.

"You said we had three more days"Zim argued

"Bosses order you and your friends go in now"The man said dragging his out.

The frist man took Gidget to the
Interrogation room.

Then the second one took Scrooge to the extreme torture room.

Then the third one took Tak to the research lab see her blood.

Then the last one took Zim to the dissection room.

They all entire the same time and the doors all closed at once with the loud sound of a lock twisting.


"Ok Gaz put on your mask and suit"Dib said handing her a scientist costume

Gaz looked at costume with an unsure look but she wore thinking it was her last chance to save Tak.

Then out on their costumes and walked in no one seemed to notice they were wearing costumes they thought they were home free until.

"Their you are doctor"One man said

"Um...what"Dib asked panicked

"Our usual doctor is running extremely late and we need someone to perform the dissection"The Doctor explained.

"Um...Yes me and my sis-I mean assistant would love to perform the dissection"Dib thought fast.

"Great come with me"The Doctor eagerly said taking Dibs hand and Dib grabbed Gaz hand.

They walked in and saw Zim on the autoplay preparing for his dissection.

" alright just give us a second too make the cut"A female doctor told then put the sharp knife on Zima stomach.

"Wait"Dib shouted and got everyone's attention.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now