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--------Zim and Dib hidout-----

They fell feet first in the trashcan Zim immediately grabbed Dib the second he landed in the garbag.

"Are you ok"Dib asked

"Yeah Zim was just scared"Zim said holding Dib tight

"Zim was afraid you weren't going to come"Zim admitted

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you"Dib cradled Zim

Then they kissed and Zim cuddles with Dib.

They both decided to hide in the garbage can until Deb came back.

----Tak and Gaz hidout---

"I'm sorry"Tak quietly apologized

"Why this is my dad's fault"Gaz qustioned

" I should have believed you in you said you didn't do it"Tak explained

"I should have trust you"Tak quietly said

" apology accepted"Gaz sweetly accepted then hugged Tak

Then Tak sat on Gaz's lap so they feel more more comfortable in the tight air vent.

They both decide to stay in the air vent until Deb came back.

---------Scrooge Hidout------

Scrooge ran and ran at first it seem pretty abandon as if no one been here for years.

Then he heard a loud chewing

Then he saw a beautiful girl she had a White long sleeve shirt,with a black lace shirt with a heart on it,and a black pants,She had skin like snow and a layer of red lipstick, and she was holding a laptop and had a bowel of Pringles.

"Um..Hi"Scrooge greeted without thinking

The girl turn head and a smile came across her face

"Omg are you an Alien"The girl squealed

"Yes"Scrooge nervously answered

"Hi I'm Cassandra"She introduced herself

"I love aliens can you stay with me for awhile I'm kinda lonely"Cassandra admitted

Scrooge agreeed and they spent awhile talking

Apparently Cassandra father owned the Paranormal company and the lab and her mother was a paranormal scientist.

So she instantly fell in love with aliens and was immediately attracted to Scrooge.

Scrooge never had a girl's attention before but he was definitely enjoying it.

Scrooge decided to stay with Cassandra and talk to her about where he come from while wating for Deb.

-----------Gidget Hidout-------

Gidget original plan was too leave but unfortunately a few scientists came.

"There you are"One man said

" excuse me"Gidget panicked

"I'm professor backwards I own the paranormal studies come with me and the other students"He greeted himself

"Other students?"Gidget question

Gidget came face to face with a few kids who looked 15 or 16

Gidget was about to escape the second he let go but a young boy out his hand on her shoulder.

"Hi I'm Noah"He introduce

He had short Black hair,Brown eyes, and was wearing a green shirt with an black alien on it,and dark bleu pants underneath his white lab coat and he was holding a clipboard.

"I'm Gidget"She blushed

"Um...Are you  paranormal scientist"Gidget asked

"No and I don't plan to be I'm just doing this for credit"He honestly answered

"I actually want to be a the guitar player"Noah told

"Oh I to sing I'm kind of performer to"Gidget bragged

"Want to hang out little I'm so bored"Noah suggested

Gidget smiled and nodded and the want hand and hand around the lab.

Gidget decided just to be with Noah until Deb came back Gidget definitely had feeling for Noah she didn't understand what it was but he just liked being with them him.


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