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Scrooge was a small table and a blanket was covering him and he made slight movement.

"Scrooge are ok"Gaz asked removing the blanket off him

Scrooge had tears in his eyes but no bruises or cuts or any physical damage.

"im Fine but my body aches"Scrooge said holding his stomach.

"Don't worry well save you"Dib said putting on a gurney.

And quickly pushed him out of the room.

"Do you know where Tak is"Dib asked

"She in research their taking her blood and study her body"Scrooge pointed to the room she was in.

They walked in and was no one was inside so they looked around and heard louder banging.

They walked to the door and slowly opened it.

They saw three science holding Tak down

"Let me go I'm not doing that"She screamed while struggling

"Just hold still it will be over before you know it"One man said holding down her arms.

Has pushed him out of the way and grabbed Tak bride Style and ran out of the room.

"What kinda plan was that"Dib shouted while ranning

"A half baked one"Gaz smiply said

They ran and saw Gidget with a kind looking man.

They hurry to the door and opened it

"Lets go Gidget"Zim shouted

Gidget looked at the man and back to them

"Go ahead I have enough information"The man allowed Gidget and her friends Escape.

"Ok now we just need to find Dib,Gir,and Meme"Gidget reminder that I'm while ranning for their lifes.

They found a security room  then walk in.

No one was inside Gidget turned on all the cameras and saw their Sir untis in the same room being study.

Gir was Running around laghing and screaming,Meme was hit the wall trying to exscape,And Deb was faceing the wall not moving.

"What is Deb doing"Tak asked getting out of Gaz's embrace

"If I know Deb she trying to free herself using her own technology.

"Well let's go get them"Scrooge said

They ran to the room they were in and free them.

Gir immediately hugged Zim and Dib Meme flew out and smiled and Deb came out with numbers in her eyes.

"Gald you guys are ok"Dib smiled

"Yeah and they Gaz's plan to have us killed didn't work"Tak angery growls bidding her hurt feeling.

"For the millionth time I didn't tell anyone"Gaz plead

They all have her a look that silently told her that they didn't believe her.

"Please that all a bunch of"

" TRUTH"Deb Screech

"What?"Zim asked confused

" she's telling the truth and I can prove it"Deb said while downloading some files.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now