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Deb foced the other Sir untis down stairs.

"Wait what are we doing in Gidget's lab?"Gir asked

Gidget have barely been to her lab since she moved in with Zim.

" where gonna use Gidget technology to save the save them"Deb explained looking though some of Gidget old or destroy machines.

"Is this place sill run by other Sir untis"Gir asked while him and Mimi looked around.

"Yeah but they don't mind"Deb answered

Then pick up a small bleu and White Square Cube with a large Blue Button.

"What is that?"Gir asked while Mimi looked at it weird

" Remember When we have to save the Earth from the missiles and Gidget that use machine to erase everyone's memory so they wouldn't remember"Deb reminded

"Yes"Gir said and Mimi nodded

"Well this is the same machine and with this we're going to erase the  scientist memories"Deb cheered.

" but that took a day to work we Don't even have 2 hours"Gir panic

" don't worry I just have to put a few wires together and there"Dib said tinkering with the machine.

"What did you do?"Gir asked while him and Mimi looked over her shoulder.

"I just made some modifications and now if we can get in a 50 miles radius of the scientist it will raise their memory but no one else's"Deb explained.

Both Gir and Mimi flew back to the air and went back to the paranormal lab.

And went to gather the others they found them in no time.

"Come on I was finally talking to a girl"Scrooge complained

"Yeah and I was talking to a really nice human boy"Gidget also complained.

"Whatever just do your plan"Zim panicked hearing loud footsteps coming their way.

Gidget took the small cube and push the page button whom she and the others closed their eyes.

The lager flash came and blinded the scientist and they are immediately forgot what they were doing.

"What happen?"One man asked

Before they realized what was going on they ran for their lives so they wouldn't notice Zim,Tak,and Scrooge.

"Oh thank God that nightmare is over"Scrooge cheered

"Yeah but theis is a real lesson we have to be a lot more careful about our secret"Gidget realized while puting on her disguise and giving them there's.

"I feel great now let's go"Dib smiled while walking down the street.

"Wait? Where are you going?"Zim asked

"Home"Dib simply answered

"Why?"Zim asked following him

"To kill my father"Dib evilly growled

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