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"Wait do you mean "has a point"Dib asked putting emphasis on has a point

"Look what he did was Unforgivable but also understandable"Stared

" he miss you and when you miss a person you don't think and when he realized his mistake he immediately try to fix it the best way he could and he did so maybe this isn't totally bad"Zim explained

They all looked at each other and slowly agreed with Zim

" okay maybe you're right but he still a whack job"Gidget included

"I am really sorry kids"Membrane apologize again

"I guess we forgive you"Dib said honestly

Membrane then smiled happily at his kids forgiveness.

"But we're not moving back home"Dib mention

"We like living with aliens and we like being independent and working so we're going to stay with them"Gaz decided

Membrane frowned

"But since we're on better terms well come see you more often and talk to you over the phone"Dib comfort

Membrane smiled

"I can live with that"Membrane smiled

Then they hugged

When the hugged ended the all walked back to Zim's base.

" that lunatic is not allowed in Zim's home"Zim told Dib while smiling.

"I know"Dib stating the obvious

Then he put his arm around Zim's shoulder

Tak wrapped her arm around Gaz's waist

Gidget grabbed Scrooge hand

And Gir held both Deb and Mimi hands

They all walked home happily and relieved have a nightmare behind them.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now