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"Dad"Dib asked wipping away his falling on face

"Dib what happen?"Membrane asked hugging him.

"It was awful"Dib sobbed.

"The... government took...Sob..Zim and Scrooge...hic and Gidget and Tak"Dib explained sill Sobbig.

"I feel so broken"Dib sobbed hugging Membrane tighter.

"Don't cry I swear I'll be better"Membrane wisper.

"Dad I'm so sorry you were rigth this was an huge mistake"Dib cried.

" I should have listened to you,Zim is gone I feel like my heart is ripped in two"Dib apologize sill crying.

"Son you don't have to apologize to me"Membrane comfort.

"Can I move back in?"Dib asked sipping away his last tear.

"I promise to listen to you and do whatever you say"Dib sweared.

Membrane gave Dib a soft smiled.

"Oh son you were always allowed back home"Membrane hugged Dib,While wipping a last standing  on his cheek.

"Thanks"Dib said the walked to  The room him and Zim shared which was in his lab.

He gave Zim's lab and their bed one last looked before packing his things and comming back to the livingroom leaving this all behind.

-------------------Gaz POV-----------------

She was crying on the bed that was in the attic that she shared with Tak.
(Which Gidget build when they moved in)

Membrane walked upstairs to see if Gaz was up their.

"Gaz"Membrane called out.

He walked in and saw Gaz crying on the bed.

Membrane hugging her and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm sorry I ever left can I come home please"Gaz Begged.

"You could've come back home anyday"Membrane hugged her.

"Thanks"Gaz thanked and packed her bag.

Both Dib and Gaz walked to Membrane car at the same time.

Gaz looked at Dib but Dib turn away not wanting to make eye contact.

They both got in his car and drive away from the house that use to be Zim's base and their home.

Gaz looked at Dib who was staring at the Window.

"Dib is swear I didn't"Gaz tryed to explained.

"I don't want to hear your excuses just leave me alone and never speak to me again,So not to different from when we were kids"Dib harshly said.

Gaz looked crushed as she turn her head to the other side so he couldn't see her tears.

........AT MEMBRANE HOUES......

Gaz immediately ran upstairs to her old room then slam the door behind her.

Dib just sigh and went to his room to unpack.

" don't worry you'll forget all about this and you and Gaz we'll go back to the normal"Membrane said optimistic.

"I don't know Dad but thanks for letting me move back in"Dib thanked agin.

"Thank you for forgiving me" Membrane sincerely said.

"Will I guess everyone deserves a second chance"Dib shrugged.

Then Membrane left the room and went to his lab.

And look to a clear reflecting test tube.

"This for the best"He whisper.

Saving the one I love(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now