Chapter 4: Trust Before Love

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Rita POV

When he doesn't trust you.

Adam and I are on the rocks.
I've been to see Chris twice now, it's May and Chris's Birthday is today. Except he's still in jail. I visited him yesterday. I'm only allowed to visit once a month, because of his case etc. He's lost weight, he's quieter and He's lost some colour that was in his face. I worry about him.
I don't know what else to say.


"Why can't you say where your going, when you go away on these private jets!!" Adam Yells at me.

"It's not like I'm doin anything bad. Just work and stuff with friends trust me!!" Tears in my eyes.0

"Wow that sentence was well put together, we've been seeing each other for a year, yet you don't trust me and I don't trust you!" He yells.

"But Im only in a relationship with you!! I trust you!!" I yell, he stares at me disappointed and confused.

"That's not what people say who are in love say!! I'm starting to think your seeing other guys!! You know I've trusted you!!!" Adam yells at me.

"It's not like that!!"I yell back.

"What's it like then, keeping stuff from me. You know I love you. Tell what you do!!"


"Why are you stuttering?!?! You are seeing others aren't you!!!"


"You are, I knew it! Your fucking dirt!"

"Adam stop! I haven't at all!! I've just never been in a proper relationship!! I don't know how this works!!" My voice cracks trying to stop him from leaving.

"Get off me!!" He yells pushing me off his arm.

"Your a hoe Rita. Stop fucking around and grow up!!" He says while packing his bags leaving. I just sit down and cry my eyes out.

"You wouldn't understand if I told you."I cry.

"I would of listened. Worked it out, but you don't trust me.... it's nearly been a year, a fucking year!! I'm not asking much now." He waits for a response, but I can't put into words I just cry. He doesn't trust or understand me, I am in love with him, I never cheated on him. This relationship was just moving to fast and I didn't know how to say it to him.

He's gone and I hurt so much because I loved him. But I didn't trust him.

 But I didn't trust him

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^^he ain't lying.

One person I trust more than my own family is Chris. But maybe that's because me and Chris have experienced a lot more and built a trust. But now without Adam I feel lost.

Chris POV

Day before Adam and Rita's split.

What can I say.
I've seen my aunt and Saffron. I think they're scared of Drew seeing me like this. They've been telling him that I've gone somewhere to get better. I don't blame them, I wish I could forget the shit from my childhood. Course I haven't seen Unk Jack. No comment.
A Day before my Birthday Rita bought her Mom and sister. To see me. I great birthday present. I miss everyone so much. Elena told me to smile and be optimistic. Vera told me to eat more food (though I don't like the shitty food much) but I've been working the fuck out. Rita gave me her presence, or should I say present, aha. All I need is her smile. My cousin Chad has come to see me a few times as well, he's a true friend, he's been taking care of some of my music, clothing line and just general business for me. He always acted as my assistant, although he's my best friend.
I just want to get out of here. There have been talks. I could be out by June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear when i'm outta here, I'm going to make it up to everyone I hurt, I realize how much i appreciate them now.

it's a short chapter, I know.

Will Chris get out!?!?

Leave a comment and shit.

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